Chapter 27: Finally Free?

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Cassie's POV

"Aiden stop!" I screamed, Aiden was getting out of control and was starting to let his rage cloud his decisions

I took the clue that he wasn't gonna stop anytime soon so I ran up to him and held him like I was soothing a tantrum throwing child

Since he was practically engulfed in lightning, it hurt like hell to hold him, but I wasn't letting go now

"Shh, shh, it's ok Aiden, Calm down, She's gone, the bad person is gone"I softly said

He seemed to calm down, as the pain in my arms and chest were slowly fading away as the lightning was fading away

Then I did the unthinkable, I kissed his head, and the lightning completely went away and he was crying into my arms

As Aiden was crying the room around wa fading away, and a white light blinded us

As I opened my eyes, I was in a random house

"Aiden, Cassie, Are you done studying yet, I have dinner ready, Cassie you can stay for dinner if you want" A random woman, who I assumed was Aiden's mother called out

Sure, I'll stay!" I answered

"Ok" She answered

I looked beside me and saw Aiden sleeping

He looked really peaceful with his hair over his face and he was slightly drooling

"Cassie?, where are we?" He asked sleepily

"I assume we are in your house" I answered 

"Oh" Then his expression darkened, "Where's Yuri, Lily, Bethany.....and Vera!"

Aiden got up and went downstairs quickly, while I packed all our study materials up and went downstairs slowly

"Aiden, Vera is long gone, I told you to forget about her, and Yuri Coleman died a year ago" As soon as his mom said that I froze

"How did she die" Aiden asked

"Apparently a hit and run, but there were multiple stab wounds on her body" His mom answered concerned, "Aiden do you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you sweetie, is this about your powers?"

Yuri can't be dead, right?

I went back upstairs and found my phone, I searched up Yuri Coleman on google and this is what came up

Yuri Coleman, 15 years old, Victim of a hit and run, but people say otherwise...

Then I searched up Lily like this L.I.L.Y because spelling it another way wouldn't get me answers

The intellectual robot Lily was destroyed in an Accident house fire, even though Fire resistant....

Lastly, I searched up Bethany...

Bethany Sanders, died at the age of 12 by being stabbed 5 times, "It was an Accident" The attacker says.....

I can't believe it, they were all gone, Like they never existed

But I still had a picture of me, Yuri, and Bethany smiling as kids.....

Why did they have to die

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