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" tonight, a night with a covered face,
i'm in blurred thoughts.
why is everything getting harder again? "
- the rose, sorry


8 march 2017, 1:30am

" so, um. " jungkook started with a shaky voice, his breath uneven as he tried his best to calm himself down.

all his friends were looking at him worriedly, anxious to know what it was exactly that he had to say so urgently, yet too afraid to rush him.

" the system of finality contacted me. i have, " he paused, checking the time on his phone. " exactly 22 hours and 30 minutes before i'm gone. "

no one said anything, no one moved. everything was trying to process what jungkook had just told them.

tearing up, jungkook placed his phone on the living room table, waiting for someone to take it and read the message he received.

taehyung, who was slumped against the table, took a quick glance at the messages and burst into tears.

letting a few tears slip, jungkook looked around the room and saw all of his friends with teary eyes, trying to hold their tears back but ultimately failing to do so.

" i've always been and always will be so thankful for all of you, for treating me like family and treating me more like a family than my actual family ever did. "

they met when jungkook was 15, and he was now 27. all these years, they were the only ones there for jungkook regardless of what he was facing in his life.

it was only natural that they were so attached to one another, and they spent the next few hours together crying, reminiscing about the stupid things they used to do in school, trying to savour every moment they had left with their dearest jungkook.

he felt slightly better, being able to tell them how he felt, not having to keep this huge secret to himself. he felt as if a huge burden was lifted off his shoulders.

however, jungkook didn't want to leave them behind, and yet he had no choice.

he felt terrible about it.

but at least they would be together with him, hand in hand, walking with him through this last obstacle of his.

they would be keeping the promise they made back then in their youth - to be there with and for each other, regardless of what happens.



i'm back with a quick chapter!! it was hard to get the momentum for this but i wrote and edited this on the train LOL

honestly you'd think that that i'm really freaking prepared for this story but really i'm just going with the flow... what a mess

ALSO!! ju made a cute cover for another world TT it's so good ok this is a sign that u shld go and reread that story!! HAHA ❤️❤️

super thankful to everyone like the gc & the ig fam for making me so happy and always checking up on me while i was busy with exams!! love u all loads loads loads

lots of love,
jane 💫

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