The Nightmare

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I didn't know for how long I would be staying in Narnia.

So Fiona, Miley and I, talked about seven dresses. At first, I had said I needn't that many, but they refused to hear me, even if I was a Queen and they should be doing as told.

My first dress would be a dark green, with laces of the same colour starting from the bodice it had. Its lace would make twirling shapes around my waist, in a darker colour. It wouldn't have trail but it would be long enough to reach my toes.

My second would be a nude colour. It would have a darker shade of nude on the sides and in front a lighter one. What was very interesting about that dress would be the fact that there were many layers of fabrics. A silver piece would decorate the bodice and this gown would be very elegant. Not for everyday walks.

The third would be a very light pink colour. It would be simple but beautiful. It would be a one shoulder dress.

The fourth would be a navy blue shade. It would be strapless with a ruched bodice. It would have floor length but wouldn't have trail.

The fifth would be a warm purple, my sixth a light orange. Its trail would be cut short, since it would be an everyday dress.

My seventh dress would be a red colour -my colour- with a ruched bodice too and silver lines on it. It would be the only one with a long trail. It would be a dark shade of red but then it would be a lighter one from the knees and down.

While talking they had already made my third dress, the pink one. I suppose it was the easiest one to do. After talking for what seemed like eternity with them, I went out to the balcony for fresh air.

I noticed the sky was dark. Nightfall had already come. I looked at the bright moon and there was another thing I recalled. Aslan, I'm sorry.

Was the only thing I could say for my acts. I had made Narnia just a happy memory, the way my siblings had. This was the first time I had doubted Aslan even if it was obliviously.

At that moment I wondered when I would leave again. Narnia was my home for a long time. I so preferred it to England. I wish I could stay here. However, I didn't know if I could live a life without my family.

I looked down to the garden and stables. The moonlight gave a little light for me to see. I spotted Caspian in the stables, maybe having a conversation with the horse he was next to.

At the sight of him I fluttered. He made me nervous by just existing. I stared at him, the wind making my hair flow with it.

A little later, he moved away from the horse. I kept my gaze on his face and then he stopped walking and looked up. The beat of my heart fastened and butterflies started fighting a hurricane in my stomach. As if they could ever win.

Even if we were so far away, we stared at each other's eyes. To my surprise, he was the one to break free first. He went back in the castle. I left the balcony.

I went to sleep in my puffy bed, hoping that sleep would get to me.


I was in the gardens of the castle. I wasn't alone.

I turned my head and saw Caspian walking towards me. I smiled in seeing him and then an arrow went for his heart. It found its target. I screamed and looked around to see from where the arrow could have been thrown.

I saw my sister Susan to my surprise. I froze in shock but I recovered and ran to Caspian's side "There's nothing you can do, Lucy. No cordial can heal him." Her words sounded so vicious.

"No. He will be okay." I said crying.

"No he won't, Lucy! Wake up!"

I felt someone shaking me, telling me to wake up. I opened my eyes to see Caspian's full of concern. His arms were around me making me feel like burning at his touch. My eyes had tears running down my face. I hugged him with all my strength, to make sure he was alive. Still hugging him I managed to say "I'm sorry I woke you up." and my voice cracked. His reply was just a 'shh' in my hair. I let go of him and trembled as I let my face fall to my pillow again.

"Would you like to tell me about it?" He whispered and his lips brushed my ear, making me shiver.

Without answering with a yes or a no, I said "I was at the gardens, I turned around and saw you coming towards me and then an arrow shot you. It was my sister. She said there was nothing I could do and my cordial wouldn't help you. You died."

I said and even my voice trembled like the rest of my body did.

He caressed my hair and whispered "I'm not going anywhere, Lucy." It sounded like a promise to me.

Minutes passed like that, and I was half asleep when he murmured "I would never leave you."

But it might just have been my imagination.

The girl with the dress in the picture is Lucy with the navy blue dress that her staff will sew.

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