An Unexpected Visitor

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Caspian was at his office.

He had a reason to get there, but it didn't seem like it mattered anymore. The King was lost in thought, considering how tangled and compicated things had gotten for him.

No. How tangled and complicated Lucy had made things for him.

Ever since her arrival, Caspian found himself avoiding her. Why was that? Caspian kept pushing her away, why? She hasn't done anything wrong.

He remembered how close they were during the Dawn Treador. They were such good friends. However, Lucy had been only almost fifteen. Again, why did her age suddenly mean so much to Caspian? It would have been the same way if she was twenty or twenty-five... wouldn't it?

Caspian sighed in exasperation. Age doesn't matter. I'm like a brother to her and she's like a sister to me. He thought, trying to calm down. But is that true, young King? A voice told him inside his head. YES! He thought as if he could reply to his inner voice. Who was he convincing though?

He buried his face in his hands. He had no feelings for the Valiant Queen and if he indeed held some, they were purely of friendship. Nothing more.

Susan The Gentle invaded his mind. He was reminded of her flawless face. Red lips, the ones she gently pressed against his on the day she left him. Pale, white skin, one he has touched with his hands. Long, silky black hair and blue eyes that had looked at him and made him hold his breath.

And then he had the worst thought ever.

Lucy has blue eyes.

He raised his hand to slap himself and realised how stupid he would seem if someone was here, at his office. He was a King. So he let his hand fall and left the room with his messed up emotions. He wasn't even sure where he was going.

If there was one thing he made out of that time in the office, it was the fact that he shouldn't be avoiding Lucy, his dear friend and from now on, he shall not.


Lucy had left the horse that wanted nothing more than gossip at the stables and thought about practising at archery.

She knew her sister was brilliant at archery but a part of Lucy thought it was the magic in the bow and arrows. After all, they were given to her by Santa because they always find heir target. Lucy, on the other hand, had pure talent. She had not lifted a magical bow and thrown a magical arrow to the beast at the Dawn Treador. It was just her and her weapon.

Feeling a little guilty about thinking of her sister without talent in archery, she entered the weapons' room.


It didn't take long for Lucy to find a place to practise. It was out in a clearing. The hard part was sending away servants telling her to get properly dressed and putting another servant to set the target. She had said 'no' to all.

She let the arrow fly and hit the center of the target. Lucy cheered in satisfaction. As many years as could pass, nothing could make Lucy the Valiant lose her skills. She was the Warrior Queen.

"Nice shot."

She heard and looked around to find Caspian with a grin on his face. Her heartbeat fastened and she smiled. "Thanks." And she went to take the arrow out of the target. "What are you doing here?" She asked him, curious.

"Oh, I was just wondering around." He replied. "Would you mind if I shot an arrow? Simply, to ensure myself I am still good at this."

She laughed, that joyful laugh everyone couldn't help but adore. Caspian included. "Go ahead." She gave him her bow and an arrow from her quid. She stepped back to give him space to shoot. She watched fascinated as he let the arrow fly.

It reached the center, the same spot she hit. It was her turn to grin. He looked at her and his eyes told her of the happiness at his achievement.

Right when she was about to say "Nice shot." back to him, she was cut by someone else's voice.

"Good to know my lesson worked." Said a female voice.

Lucy froze dead in her tracks.

She knew that voice as much as her own. Caspian turned his head automatically at the sound. His jaw dropped to see another Queen of Old. "Susan!" He exclaimed.

Lucy just stood, staring at her sister. Susan was of course smiling, lighting her characteristics in a way no man could resist. She watched as her sister walked towards Caspian and Caspian towards her.

She once again remembered something from her time in Narnia. When she had seen her sister kiss Caspian the day of their departure.

"I'm sure when I'm older I'll understand." She had mumbled to Edmund. He had answered her that he was older and he didn't want to understand.

At this case, Lucy understood. It was too simple not to.

Two people, two people that loved each other and had been seperated for six years. They were now reunited and were delighted to be together again.

The turn of events made Lucy's blue eyes watery. She looked away as Susan and Caspian kissed.

It took her only a second or two to cover her misery with a veil of excitement. She looked again and Caspian and Susan were letting go of the embrace. Lucy quietly walked to Susan with a smile only she knew was fake. "Susan!" She said like Caspian. Her twenty-two year old sister looked at her and her lips formed a smile.

"Lucy. I didn't know you were here. In fact, everyone at home has been asking where you've been. Thank God, time here and there passes differently or else our parents would be worried." She turned her attention back to Caspian and bit her lip. "Caspian, you have a beard!" She exclaimed.

Lucy couldn't stand this. She silently walked away and found her way back to the castle.

She knew not of what to make of her nightmare, though, she knew her dreams meant real things. Parts of them at least. Now, she did. Her nightmare had partly come true.

Susan is here and took Caspian away from her. Not that it was ever Lucy's to take.

Lucy closed the door and cried.

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