How Could You

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I opened my eyes and light stang them.

I had rolled over to the edge of the bed and if I moved an inch I would most likely fall over. I got up from the bed, my eyes still getting used to the bright light. "Lucy, you're finally awake!" I heard a voice and turned my head to the sound. It was Miley.

"Uh, yes. Did I miss breakfast?" I said hopefull.

Fiona smirked. "Of course not, we wouldn't let you. Now, here's your dress," and she pointed to the dress manequin that had my sixth design on. "Go on."

I nodded and went to change. The dress suited me nicely, and fit quite well. I thought of Susan's outfit last night and my mood lightened.

I didn't put on heels -thank Aslan- and I descended the grand staircase to the dinning room.

I entered the room and saw that Caspian and Susan had already eaten. They were chatting about something as usual.

"Good morning." I said. Susan was wearing a white strapless dress. Better than last night but still. Who did she want to impress? Oh right. Caspian and any other man that would walk into her accidentally or even glance at her. Typical.

"Good morning, Lucy." Caspian said. Obviously I interrupted something because Susan was annoyed.

"You're not usually late." Susan said without an expression.

"I- uh, well--" I didn't even know where I was going with that until Caspian cut me.

"Lucy, me and Susan will be out, horseriding." I gave him the look of Thank you so much "Would you like to join us?" Um. NOPE.

 "No, it's fine. I hope you have fun." I said looking anywhere but him and my sister.

"We will." Susan said. "I have to change, see you at the stables." She told Caspian. He simply nodded.

Awkward silence. Or at least for me it was.

"I have to go and change as well." He said.

"Bye." I replied with a look of I couldn't care less where you are going.

But obviously I did.


I left shortly after Caspian.

I was not getting it bandaged as the King had suggested. Instead, I took a sip of my cordial and it healed in seconds. Easy.

After that, I was bored. So bored.

I didn't know what to do. So I went to the gardens.

Scents of flowers and plants were everywhere. The sun giving light to the colourful scenery. And as I was admiring the place, I caught a movement behind a bush.

I ran to it. In the gaps between the leaves and branches, I could see two pointy white ears. I slowly walked behind the bush and saw a white little cat. "Hey there." I whispered. "Can you talk?"


"I take that as a no."


I chuckled. With a twist of hands I put the cat to my arms. It meowed twice, its claws ready to tear the enemy apart but after a while it finally quit fighting. I rubbed its fur and let it make that 'grr' sound that cats do when they are pleased.

"Where'd you find it?" I didn't turn my head, I knew who it was.

"It was hiding behind a bush." I said smiling to the cat and still rubbing its fur. His fingers rubbed the cat and then stopped.

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