4~ taking her

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Jimin P.O.V


At the moment every member of bts including me are in the van in front of our house, this is the day we're gonna take y/n home with us. Everything else we needed we have already brought to Busan. Just my y/n.

While everyone gets in the car i'm sitting nervous as hell with my face covering mask in my hand.
Everyone in the car has one and the hyung line also have gas masks for us if we need them.

We're also all wearing black hoodies so that no one has something specific to tell about us when describing to the police.

The plan is that we're gonna have a school shooting drill, we're not gonna look to shoot anyone or anything.. unless someone get's in our way, we just planned to create a lot of chaos and scare everyone while taking Y/n with us.

"JIMINNNNNN!??" You hear Suga's voice all of the sudden. "Yes hyung?"
"We've been calling your name out for about 3 minutes staight now, you dozed off. Wear your mask unless you want to get caught" he says and turns back around since he is in the front seat of the van.

You do so as you take the AK- 47 and sit in the van with the gun on your lap.

45 minutes later we're on front of her school.

"Jin hyung did we change the number plate of the car to a fake one" v asks, as you remember about that.

"I did, but regardless we will change the van also as soon as we get to Busan, we will probably buy 8 cars. One for everyone and then 1 van for business." Jin answers.

"So okey the plan is just take y/n and leave the school right?" Jungkook impatiently asks.

"Of course not you pabo, they should not immediately realize she got kidnapped. We should scare them all so much that that they forget about everyone else and just think about them selfs first. Then we will act like we take a couple people hostage but let those other people free once we're driving off except for y/n " i tell em.

Rm: "Yeoreobun (everyone) got it?"

Everyone mumbles a quick a 'Nae' As we start to prepare everything.


Your P.O.V

At school~

Offf you puff, as you sit in class with haechan and lisa. You tap your foot against the table as you listen to your teacher talk about how to apply x with ... idek.

"Some people say they saw Seulgi sleeping with someone in the locker rooms" lisa says with her gaze still at the board.

"And are we surprised?"

"Not really" both of you answer at the same time while looking at each other and you start quietly laughing.

"Mrs, y/n and Lisa mind telling us what's so funny" the teacher asks making the whole class look at both of you.

"Nothing miss" the both of you.

"No you know what laughing is good for you, for humans, so the both of you can enjoy laughing together at detention. But for now i want to teach so both of you to the office now!" She tells us sternly.

"We were listening the whole time we just told each other something for like 2 seconds"

"2 seconds to much" Seulgi says that makes you blood boil immediately.

"Of what you fucking a guy in the locker room" you turn around to look her in the face while everyone Oooh's.

"WHAT DO YOU EVEN THINK YOU ARE??" Seulgi screams at you with anger.

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