Home at Last

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I woke and I could hear a ringing in my ears. My first thought was the police. They had found us and were going to jail. I lifted my head and looked around. I was laying on a small bed. I spotted a man sitting in the corner, he must have seen that I was awake.

"Take it easy," he warned, "your in an ambulance."

I'm in an ambulance? I thought for a minute and all the memories came back. I saved Johnny and he made it out of the church. But is he ok?

"Is Johnny alright?"


"Johnny, the boy with tan skin and long black hair."

"Ah, yes, he's okay. He made it out of the church, told us that you saved him. He had to get a ride in the ambulance though. There gonna check him out and make sure he's okay."

"What about Dally? He's the blonde headed on."

"He's alright, he's with your friend, Johnny." He paused for a moment. "You two are the most bravest kids I know."

I smiled. He went to say something else but I didn't hear, I had fallen asleep.


Johnny and I had already been checked by the doctor and were ready to go home. Darry had talked to Dally and told him to bring us home. To be honest I was nervous about seeing Darry. Was he going to be mad at me? Did he even want me home?

The ride didn't take as long as I thought. I guess I was so zoned out I didn't pay that much attention. We all got out of the car and walked up the porch. Dally opened the door and yelled "There home!"

Soda was sitting on the couch and immediately stood up, running over to me. He pulled me into a hug and cried. I wrapped my arms around him too, I missed him.

"Oh Pony, we missed you so much," he mumbled and pulled away. He then smiled and grabbed a piece of my hair. "Look at your tuff hair."

I looked away from Soda and looked at Darry. He was crying. He really did miss me. Everyone was right when they said he loved me. I thought of all those times he has yelled at me for coming home late or for not doing so well in school. He just wanted what was best for me and he wanted to push me to be my very best to make something with my life.

"Darry!" I yelled. I ran over to him and hugged him. Soda followed and we had a group hug.

We pulled away and I looked back at Johnny. Dally had his arm around him and he was smiling. I smiled, "Ain't ya gonna welcome Johnny home to."

They looked at Johnny and walked over to him. Soda ruffled his hair. "It's good to see ya Johnnycake." Johnny was trying to fix his hair when Soda pulled him into a hug. "We missed you Johnny."

"Yeah, it wasn't the same without you two here," Darry said.

"Thanks," Johnny said, "It's good to be back. I'm just worried about what's going to happen when we have to go to court."

"It will be alright Johnnycake, it was self defense." Soda said, smiling. I don't know how he can smile so much.

We heard a knock on the door and Darry walked over and answered it. It was the police.

"Uh, hello officers, can I help you?"

"Can we come inside. We just want to ask a few questions."

"Um, sure."

The police walked inside followed by some reporters. They kept asking Johnny and I a bunch of questions, and I don't know about Johnny, but with all the questions getting thrown at us left and right I was getting all mixed up. I barely had time to think of an answer before they asked another.

Darry finally got them to slow down on the questions. After they were done they wanted to take pictures. I grabbed Johnny and brought him into the bathroom with me so we could put grease in our hair.

Finally all the reporters left and I collapsed on the couch next to Johnny.

"Come on Pony, you need to get to bed." I heard Soda say. But it was no use, I was already asleep.

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