Chapter 12- Daddy Problems Part 2

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As soon as she and Jack had finished talking, Katherine had taken off to Miss Medda's to take the older woman with her. Together, they are going to see the only person who can truly help them. Once they arrive at the office, Katherine takes a deep breath and says to the receptionist,

"I'm here to see Governor Roosevelt." The young woman at the desk hurries up to his office. After a few moments, she comes back down.

"Follow me," the receptionist says slightly impatiently. Katherine and Miss Medda exchange a nervous look before they walk down the long red carpeted hallway. The receptionist comes to a large oak door and just by the look of the door, Katherine can tell that Roosevelt is much kinder than her father ever will be. The sound of the receptionist knocking on the large door startles Katherine out of her nervousness. Miss Medda gently places a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. The door swings open revealing several soldiers clad in green uniforms. Their faces serious as they peer around the door frame to see the people wanting into the Governor's office. Katherine nearly gasps when she sees Roosevelt himself. "Do this for Jack and the boys. Jack is worth more than your fears scaring you," She tells herself as they pause outside the office.

"What're your names?" The receptionist asks impatiently.

"Katherine Pulitzer and Medda Larkson," Medda answers for Katherine as she gives Katherine's petite shoulder a light squeeze. The receptionist turns and starts to announce them, but a cheerful voice cuts her off,

"Just let them in, Ellen, I know who they are and they know that they are always welcome here." The receptionist turns to Katherine and Medda and says,

"You heard the man." She scooted aside allowing Katherine and Miss Medda to continue into the office through the narrow doorway. Roosevelt steps around from behind his desk and holds out his hand. Medda rushes forward to shake it and as she does, Katherine remembers Jack and his casual spit shake she is certain he would have performed even to the Governor. Teddy Roosevelt seemed to be the type who would simply return the favor. Smiling at this, she barely notices when Roosevelt holds his hand out to her. Katherine, remembering her manners, shakes his hand and greets the Governor.

"So, what brings two fine ladies like yourselves to this large establishment today?" Roosevelt asks as he pushes his glasses up his nose. Katherine pulls Jack's drawings and the article she crafted out of her pocket.

"I wanted to inform you that the Newsies of New York are trying to start a city wide strike against child labor. The Newsies and I printed out a banner calling children from all over New York to join us. We spread it out to every working kid in New York and we are waiting to see what happens. The leader is speaking to my father trying to get him to give, but I know he won't unless we have some help," Katherine explains, "We could use some of your powerful persuasion. My father will listen to you. The strike also has one other object that it is fighting for." Teddy Roosevelt raises his eyebrows in excited anticipation. Jack's drawings suddenly weigh a thousand pounds and feel as though they are going to set her hands on fire at any moment. One by one, she hands them to the Governor. Roosevelt examines them and asks Katherine,

"Do you, by chance, know what these represent?" Katherine nods thinking exactly of what Jack told her that night on the fire escape.

"They represent the Refuge and the living conditions there. The artist, the leader of the strike, told me that himself. He has been there and has experienced these harsh conditions," She answers slowly. Medda peers over Roosevelt's shoulder to see them and her eyes grow wide.

"Jack and the other boys have been to that place and lived in those conditions?" She exclaims and Katherine nods solemnly.

"You said that was the Refuge, right?" Roosevelt asks. Katherine nods quickly. "Would you happen to know who the warden is?" He asks. Katherine shakes her head slowly. Medda smiles and says,

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