The whole way there Tom barely said anything, except to give me a mental tour of where I'd be working. He explained that our cubicles would be right next to each other and we would begin working together in a couple of days, after I had arranged for sitters to come stay with Paisley.
Tom was much different from Colin and Jace. He was quiet, more like an introvert. His cubicle was in the corner, the farthest away from everyone else, and mine was right next to him, in between his and a girl named Jasmine's.
He gave me the tour of the place, from the coffee machines to the boss's office.
Tom came by every Saturday to make sure Paisley and I were getting along, finance-wise. Paisley loved him the moment she saw him, and she immediately began calling him "Uncle Tommy", which I tried to discourage her from doing, but she ignored me, as usual. Thomas reassured me later that he didn't mind at all.
My new job was amazing. I knew almost everything there was to know about space, aliens, and planets. I realized, now that I had a job investigating aliens and planets, etc., that it would be easier to find William. I was excited. Every day I secretly gained more and more information that I hoped would lead me to my son.
One day, Tom was standing in his cubicle, looking at me, elbows rested on the walls, chattering about some space thing that I knew everything about. It seemed like whenever I would explain the answer to him, he would come up with another confusing question. I didn't know exactly why, maybe he didn't want to accept that I knew more than him?
I had been on Earth for about eight years, and unlike my first year, when I was offending humans left and right because I didn't know which emotions to use, now I was sensitive and sentimental when it came to being kind, apologetic, or understanding.
Paisley was perfectly happy every Saturday when Tom would come over. Their relationship grew fast, and soon she was wondering why he had to go away for six days, and why he couldn't stay forever, "like Daddy did".
I started crying when she said that, and almost yelled at her for moving on so quickly. I finally sent her out of the room, trying not to be too harsh. My anger at her moving on was only me upset at myself for getting a new job and starting over so soon after Jace's death.
I was angry at myself for getting mad at Paisley when all she wanted was a daddy again.
Angry at Tom for obviously trying to get my attention with his cute yet foolish antics.
Angry that I had suddenly taken interest in him, finding him funny, awkward, and cute.
Angry that I had admitted to myself that I did like him.
I was angry that it had been eleven whole months since Jace had passed, and that I should be able to enjoy Tom's company without feeling guilty.
"Hey, kid," Tom called as he walked in the door. Paisley ran into his arms.
"Hi, Uncle Tom!" she cried, burying her face in his warm sweater.
"Hey, Mrs. Paisley," he said softly, embracing me.
There was a moment between us when I could feel the warm fabric of his sweater-vest and smell his minty breath and we kind of...connected, you know?
Then I checked the clock, and gasped.
This section was written by Melina
The Space Speculation: Book 2 ~Painful Past~
AventuraPaisley Lane reveals the shocking truth about her life. Everything was a lie.