At last, the quakes subsided.
"That was strange," Mom said, eyeing the bits of pebble and dirt still raining from the ceiling.
Colin stood up. "I'm going to go see if William's okay."
He headed out the hole. I followed after him, telling my parents we would be right back.
"What do you think it was?" I whispered as soon as I had caught up with Colin.
"I don't know," he answered. "Maybe the gravity got messed up or something."
We arrived at the surface of Pluto and caught our breath.
There, standing before us, was a giant Neptunian spaceship; and standing at the bottom of the boarding ramp was Chad, holding William, who was kicking and punching.
Colin sprinted towards his brother.
"Stop! Put him down!" he hollered.
I looked around desperately. The Plutonians were just standing there, staring at the commotion.
By now Chad had tied both Colin and Will up in the ship. I was desperate.
Figuring it to be my only option, I ran right into the middle of the crowd of Plutonians and started yelling and shrieking.
Soon everyone was staring confusedly at me. Suddenly, I felt strong arms clasp around me from behind. It nearly knocked the wind out of me. I whipped my head around and saw Chad. He was scowling at me. "Help! Help!" I screamed; but no one moved, they were all so shocked. "Brat," Chad snarled. I couldn't budge with Chad's many arms around me.
He hauled me up the ramp. I was still screaming and yelling, but the Plutonians are small creatures, no match for a huge, strong, Neptunian like Chad. They were so shocked, they were frozen.
As we took off into space, I could see them go on with their day as if nothing had happened. I lifted my heads weakly, worn out by kicking and screaming my heart out.
I caught a glimpse of Chad sitting right behind the cockpit, reading a Neptunian magazine. To my left, I could see Colin, his heads down, cheeks red, and usually handsome hair tangled up in a gur's nest. On my right was our poor little boy, William. Chad wasn't cruel enough to tie him to the wall like he did me and Colin, but he had put him in a small glass dome so he couldn't escape. He had his hands folded on his lap as tears dripped off his noses. His lips moved as though he was speaking, yet no sound came out of his mouths. Every few moments he would raise a head to look at Colin, then me, then Chad.
I was at a complete loss. Seeing Chad this way--with a wicked grin and smelling like Shishin excrement--was new and sickening. It seemed like he was a totally different being. I guessed Colin was right about before. Chad had been a wicked fiend, and after Violet passed, he had returned to his putrid self; maybe worse.
Finally, we arrived at Neptune. Chad didn't say a word to us until we were in the dungeon underneath the castle.
He locked the cell door behind us and smiled viciously, shaking his head. "I thought you would have known better, brother, than to run away from me, High King Chad of Neptune." Colin scowled; Willie curled up against me; I turned away from the brothers and stroked Will's foreheads.
"We didn't run, Chad. We knew you would get angry if you knew we were leaving, so we left Celia to tell you after we were gone. And is this really about us leaving?"
Chad laughed. "Not just that." He moved closer to the bars until Colin's and his hate-filled faces were only inches apart. "After losing my only one love, I thought about the rest of my family. I realized how miserable I was. I went searching for my beloved brother, my only family in the whole planet. But I was shocked as soon as I noted your bare empty room." His eyes grew wider with every word.
"Confused, I summoned Celia. She informed me that you had ruthlessly abandoned me. I then was brought to the alarming conclusion that even my own brother had never loved me, and had deserted me with no explanation." He began pacing back and forth. "If I can't be happy, no one can." He leaned in even closer and laughed. His maleficent rolling cackle echoed off the walls. "You're mine now."
This section was written by Melina and Amity
The Space Speculation: Book 2 ~Painful Past~
MaceraPaisley Lane reveals the shocking truth about her life. Everything was a lie.