Chapter 3

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Bobby above
I looked closely at me a moment, going through in his head at what I just said. I watched as his eyes flickered down to my lips before coming back up to my eyes. Instinctively my tongue licked my lips. Which caused his eyes to go back down to my lips. I whispered, "are you going to kiss me?"

He barely gave me a second to think about it before his lips were harshly on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to explode. Jamie ran his hands down my back stopping at my ass.

He pulled me into his lap so I was now straddling him. My hands left his face and made their way down his chest. Jamie pulled away from me. Letting his breath fan my face, he huskily said "we need to stop." I was hurt at first but then he spoke again "not tonight we both have been drinking. I don't want you to regret it."

I pecked Jamie's lips again muttering in disappointment "we haven't had too much to drink."

Jamie agreed "you are right but I want us to have a clear mind."

I nodded my head getting off of his lap. I was too embarrassed to face him. I shyly spoke, "I'm going to bed, goodnight Jamie."

Jamie spoke urgently "stay here. I mean just to sleep, no funny business."

I turned to him contemplating it "I need to shower and get a change of clothes."

Jamie nodded his head "you can shower in my bathroom and I have clothes you can wear."

I slowly nodded my head "if you wouldn't mind, I will quickly shower then be right out."

When I got inside of the shower I took off my dress throwing it into Jamie's hamper before getting into the scalding water. I had my hair in a tight bun so I didn't have to worry about drying it. When I got out I wrapped my self in a dry towel. I then remember Jamie hadn't given me the clothes I had needed

I held my towel close not wanting to expose myself to him. When I opened the door his back was turned to me. I quietly spoke, "hey, Jamie have you got those spare clothes?"

Jamie started to speak "yeah their h..." As he turned away to face me.

I slowly walked up to him grabbing them out of his hands "thank you."

He stuttered "I will leave you to change."

Just as he was about to leave I stopped him "it okay Jamie just turned around, I just need a sec."

I watched as he turned around his back now facing me. I quickly dried myself before putting on his shirt and his old football shorts. I pulled them tight before coming and standing in front of him. He had his eyes closed giving me privacy still. I came close to him wrapping my arms around him, pecking his lips.

I moved my hands down his shoulders to his arms, dragging him to his bed. We got into the bed closely watching each other. I pulled back the covers laying back against the pillows. Jamie did the same. As we stiffly laid side by side the tension could be cut with a knife. He grabbed my hand pulling me into his chest. He kissed my hair before bidding me goodnight.

When I woke the next morning I could feel him stroking my hair. Twiddling a strand between his fingers. I brushed my thumb across his chess. I felt as he took shallow breaths. "You're awake."

I nodded my head against his chest yawning "yeah, good morning."

There was a long moment before either one of us spoke. Jamie spoke rather cheerfully "we need to get up Matty. We have to clean this place and I see that taking a while."

I laughed getting out of his warm embrace. As I walked from his room to mine I replayed last night over and over. As I opened my bedroom door Danielle was still in bed laying on my pillows awake. She was the first to speak up "those aren't the clothes you wore to bed. Either their Bobby's or..."

I laughed out "or..."

She continued "or...Jamie's."

I blushed at his name giving away the answer I interrupted before she could "they are his but we only slept next to each other. Nothing else happened or at least he wouldn't let anything happen."

I watched as her face lit up in amusement "what did happen then. I know you two didn't just sleep next to each other more had to have happened."

I blushed at her comment "he kissed me, well actually I told him to kiss me. Telling him would be putting it nicely, it was more of a demand. Shit, what if I had forced him to kiss me and he is now repulsed. He basically kicked me out this morning claiming we had cleaning to do..."

Danielle interrupted "he is right, there are lots of cleaning to do."

I sat on the end of my bed with my head in my hands "what if I made him kiss me" I spoke barely above a whisper.

Danielle took me into her arms running her fingers through my hair "the guy is crazy about you honey."

I nodded my head against her chest not wanting to argue. I laid in her arms for a long while not wanting to be interrupted. Until there was a loud knock on my door. Bobby yelled out to us "come on lazy asses, it's time to clean the house. It's looking a bit worse for wear."

Danielle and I laughed getting out of bed. We changed into casual clothes before coming out and joining the boys who had already made a start. Danielle grabbed Bobby's hand dragging him outside to start cleaning there. Leaving me and Jamie to clean inside for the moment. We went for an hour cleaning in silence before he spoke up.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked with a shaky voice.

I looked at him for a moment taking in his messy hair that looked like it had copped his fingers racking through it one too many times. His sweat pants and singlet. I shook my head "no I'm not mad at you, what would make you think that?"

He shrugged his shoulder "you have barely looked at me since we got up this morning. You haven't talked to me either."

I came over to him wrapping my arms around his stomach, I laid my head in his chest and listened to his beating heart. "I'm not mad and I didn't talk to you because I was worried you were forced to kiss me last night. Peer pressure or whatever."

Jamie let out a loud obnoxious laugh scaring me at first "peer pressure, you silly girl. I had kissed you early in the day of my own free will. When you hinted at you being single I didn't want to bombard you head on. I wanted to give you a chance to be single and try different things. I wanted your lips on mine urgently. I thought the way I had kissed you when you had asked gave that away?"

I laughed embarrassed with where my head had jumped off too. I admitted "I didn't think of that kiss when compared to last nights. I'm sorry for making you feel bad. I guess I just jumped to conclusions when I should have talked to you."

Jamie glanced around before pecking my nose "let's finish this then I will treat you to breakfast."

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