Chapter 9

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All the girls are at Yn's house and the boys are all at Troy's. Troy hit Yn the night before.

Yn's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning because of my phone going off. I had a text from Troy.

Troy: Morning Beautiful

Yn: why r you texting me.

Troy: I'm so sorry about yesterday. Please just let me take u out tonight.

Yn: y should I let u

Troy: cause I want to make it up to u.

Yn: ok where r we going.

Troy: it's a surprise.

Yn: whatever.

Troy: I'll pick u up at 2:30

Yn: k

I was so groggy from all that crying. I decide to get up and made breakfast to take my mind off Troy. I made pancakes, sausage, eggs, grits w cheese, French toast and orange juice. I ran back upstairs to wake up the girls.

Yn: girls get up I made food.

Georgia: give me 5 minuets.

Yn: come on stop forcing it.

Brianna: ( talkin in her sleep) no I don't want a kangaroo.

Lindsay: shut up Brianna so I can sleep.

Since they didn't want to get up I went away to brush my teeth. when I was done I went back to the room


All the girls heads shot up and they started scrambling every trying to fix themselfs. I stood there and started dying. it was so funny. they all gave me serious faces.

Georgia: What the hell Yn.

Brianna: Hipp she done got me bout to start up the curling iron

Yn: ( still laughing) y'all look like the kids at school on pizza Fridays

Lindsay: lml that's bad

The girls all brushed there teeth and went downstairs to eat. they were fixing plates and chillin. Then they started up a convo about the boys.

Georgia: so guess who left single club?

Brianna: I did

Lindsay: me too

Yn: (thinking) great now they want to talk about the boys. The day when I wish they don't they do.

Georgia: we'll damn I wanted to feel like I am a taken bad bitch but I guess y'all already took that position.

We all laughed

Yn: we'll I have to tell y'all somthing please dot get mad.

They all nodded there heads.


Georgia: please say that slower.

Yn: Troy hit me yesterday and I am going out with him later on tonight.


Brianna: Lindsay calm down.

Georgia: that bitch ass nigga is lucky cause I would have cut off his dick, fried it then chopped it in half and make him eat half of it and the other half I would taped it on his forehead.

Yn: it's ok guys don't worry about it. I am going to end the relationship tonight okay.

Brianna: just be careful.

The girls and I were talking and they started talking bout twist, diggy, and Jacob. Lindsay said her and Jacob were going to the beach for a picnic. Brianna said Diggy was going to taking her to a restaurant. Then Georgia said twist was taking her to a food truck joint. We all busted out laughed. Georgia had a serious face on the whole time. Then we all decided to go to the mall for our dates. When we got to the mall we ran straight to Forever 21, H&M, Areopostle, Wet Seal, Love Culture, and Claire's.

We got back to the house and did our hygiene. By the time we !were done it was 1:30. We decide to chill until our dates came I then went to the bathroom. While I was using the bathroom I heard yelling. I walked out and seen Troy looking scared as hell, Georgia trying to get out of twist's grip, Lindsay all up in Troy's face yelling, Brianna and Diggy trying to hold in there laugh and Jacob trying to pull Lindsay away from Troy.

Yn: hey wats going on?

Lindsay: oh nothing I was just about to cut of a niggas balls.

Yn: there is no need for that. can we just go.

Troy: um yea let's go

Yn: bye guys

Everyone else: bye

So me and Troy got in the car. it was an awkward silence. I Liked it so I just look out the window.

Yn: ...

Troy: So how r u.

Yn: I'm fine no thx to you.

Troy: Who th... You know what let me not. I just want to restart with you. so until this date is over can we please forget about the past.

Yn: whatever. I pulled out my phone and headphones and went on instagram. I plugged in my headphones and blasted drake. Then out of the blue Troy grabbed my phone out of my hands.

Yn: hey. you can give that back. Troy pulled over and looked at me.

Troy: look Yn I'm sorry ok just can we please start over. I am not the person to beg but plz.

Yn: Troy I think that we..


Haha cliffi. Comment on what you think Yn will say.

- Christine💋

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