Moriarty x Reader: The Death of Me

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Authors note: There's probably gonna be a LOT of Moriarty in this book, since he's my personal favorite.

You were the definition of screwed. Probably worse if that was possible. You were one of the best assassins in the game, and the James Moriarty just couldn't afford to have any legitimate competition on top of Sherlock. Yes, he really thought you were THAT good. Your nickname was "Black Death" because of how quickly and silently you killed people, and also how many kills you had under your belt, which was A LOT. One of your other trademarks were your very high mechanical capabilities. You were a genius when it came to mechanics, so you engineered yourself a pair of prosthetic wings, that used brainwaves to send messages to the wings and you could fly. However, nobody knew this except you, because you'd only fly away after a kill, and you'd be so quick nobody would notice. You were a perfect assassin in almost every way. You were skilled with not only guns, but also hand to hand combat, knives, swords, and pretty much any other kind of weapon you could name. At one point, Jim even considered hiring you, before realizing that you'd probably stab him in the back. Figuratively and literally. Oh well, sometimes you just have to cut your losses.

"Oh come on Kitten, just GIVE IN!" He said going from a gentle sing-song voice to a level of inhuman rage.

"Mhm yeah sure. Lemme just check my calendar real quick.. maybe I just got confused.. Oh! Nope. I'm right. Jumping off a building to my death isn't on my to-do list. Such a shame really. Maybe next weekend?" You said, your voice dripping with sass and sarcasm.

"See Y/N, this is why I wish you had joined my-"

"Join your what? Posse? Squad? Army? Don't make me laugh Jim, we both know that isn't going to happen." You said, clearly unconvinced.

"Oh well then. Off you pop." He said with a look in his eye you couldn't quite place. It almost seemed like he was challenging you.

Haha yeeeeaaaahhh..... no. No way José. What was the point of this anyways? Entertainment? Sure you stole a little bit of his audience and clients, but he was already disgustingly rich! It wasn't like he needed those few extra people. Right now though, you don't really have the leisure of thinking time. You had to make a plan. But it had to be fast, and you couldn't hurt Jim, because even though you were fast, Jim was faster. Suddenly, you realized something! During one of your jobs, you picked up a bit of knowledge! At the time, you highly doubted it was true, but anything was worth a shot at this point right? You decided to test your theory.

"You know what? Fine." You said acting like you had given up.

"Oh come- wait what?!" He said confused at your sudden change of mood.

"It's not like I have a purpose. No one to live for. No one that would care if I died. No need to exist" You said, feigning a depressed tone. You were a very good actor, since a lot of your jobs required you to be someone you weren't.

He remained silent. Almost looked sad. Yes! Your plan was working! "Hey. Can I have a few minutes just to think about everything? You can be here, I don't mind, I'm just gonna get some stuff off my chest."

"I'm uh- yeah sure.." he said, almost like he didn't believe what he was hearing.

"Alright, but don't complain about me sounding like a dying goose." You said with a sad laugh.


"I guess I'll have to face, that in this awful place I shouldn't show a trace of doubt..."

Jim had seen stuff most people wouldn't dream existed, but right now he couldn't believe his ears! You were singing out your last words! And you sounded fantastic!

"But pulled against the grain, I feel a little pain, that I would rather do without.."

He subconsciously closed his eyes and started swaying to the sound of your melodically beautiful voice. He was, after all, a sucker for good music.

"I'd rather be free, free, free..

I'd rather be free, free, free

Free, free, free

From here."

After you stopped, his eyes snapped open as if he suddenly remembered where he was. He was still at a complete loss for words. "Since you've been so lenient, could I do something I've been wanting to do for a while?" And you realized at that moment, you weren't really lying about wanting to. He was still speechless, so he hesitantly nodded. You stepped quickly towards him, grabbed his tie and kissed him fiercely. He was so taken aback by the sudden gesture, he bent backwards a bit! His eyes went as wide as saucers before closing and melting into the kiss. He grabbed your waist, pulled you close to him, and kissed back with equal, if not more passion, and you wrapped one of your arms around his neck and tangled the other in his hair. You broke apart for air, and after you did, you stepped backwards on to the ledge of the building you gave him a sad smile and said


"For what?" He said breathlessly

"For caring" You said with the most bittersweet voice you could muster. And with that, you stepped off, and fell to your death.

Or so Jim thought.

"Y/N! NO!" He screamed, but it was too late. He realized what happened as he heard a sickening crack on the pavement, and he broke. Tears rolled down his face as he silently cried. He looked over the edge of the building,

only to see you with a Cheshire Cat grin on your face. You were flying at level, going in circles, with your hands behind your head, in a very relaxed position. There was a broken piece of plastic on the ground.

"Awww! You do care!"

He turned tomato red, blushing furiously, and said very elegantly,

"Shut up!"

"Oh and dear, you might want to tuck your tie back in, and please, do something about your hair."

He turned even redder, and you took that as your sign to leave. "Well, it's been fun, but I gotta fly" You said with a wink.

"Until next time, James Moriarty!" And you waved, sent a smile over your shoulder, and flew off.

Once you were out of sight, Jim tucked his tie back in, fixed his hair, and subconsciously his hand ghosted over his lips. He said quietly to himself:

"That girl will be the death of me"

Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed! If you didn't, please tell me what to work on (politely of course) in the comments. Thank you again! Bye!

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