Greg Lestrade x Reader: Shut up, Sally!

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Request from: @Sherlock_Holmes1391
It was a pretty normal day, to say the least. No huge cases, Sherlock and John didn't come in, not even a single break in. In other words, a pretty uneventful day in Greg Lestrade and your department. You had been harboring a small crush (okay maybe a HUGE one but details aren't important) on the detective inspector for a while, but you had no idea how to tell him, so you stayed quiet. To most it was quite obvious, considering the way you followed him around like a lovesick puppy, but Greg was completely unaware. Of course, this is real life we're talking about here, so something stressful or bad was about to happen, because come on, there's no way anyone could have a completely uneventful day.

"So are you gonna tell him then?" Your coworker (that you hated) Sally Donovan said.

"W-what do you mean? Tell who?" You said and silently cursed yourself for stuttering. You knew what she was talking about, you were just praying you weren't that obvious. I mean, this is Sally we're talking about here, If she could tell, a vegetable probably could. (And yeah, I'm gonna be bashing Sally the whole time, I friggin hate her guts.)

She raised her eyebrow so high, you were almost surprised it wasn't hitting the ceiling.
"Umm.. duh.. Lestrade.. who else?" She said and then looked at you as if you were stupid. (HE LOOKED AT ME LIKE I WAS STUPID, IM NOT STUPID brownie points if you understood that reference.)

"Hahaha... what do you mean... about what...?"
You said nervously, and scratched the back of your neck.

"(Y/N), your face is the colour of a fire truck, it's blatantly obvious. Everyone can tell you know."
She stated, matter-of-factly.

You buried you face in your hands out of sheer embarrassment.
"D'you think he can tell...?" You said quietly.

"Are you kidding me? Lestrade? He's an idiot. Of course he can't tell." She deadpanned.

"Hey! Don't call him that! Sally, if you had half his brains you'd have gotten a promotion by now." You stated sassily, before turning on your heel and walking towards the coffee machine to think things over. "Sally's probably right though. I don't think that he notices anything to do with me. Or maybe he has...? I don't know. It's not like I can just waltz up to him and be like "hey I think you're really hot I like you a lot date me plz" oh wow that's such a great ideaaa. Not. Oh well. Maybe if he likes me he'll tell me. Or maybe not. I can dream I guess. Is it just wishful thinki-" without noticing it, you had crashed into someone else. He had a tall, somewhat muscular frame.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't-" you realized that the person had caught you around your waist, and when you looked up, you realized that the person who had caught you was none other than the Greg Lestrade. Your face turned crimson and then you noticed that his cheeks flushed a little pink too. You became hopeful, but brushed it off as just the fact that his hands were around your waist.

"So.." You said in order to break the ice.

"So..." he repeated.

More silence. You cleared your throat. He realized his hands were still in the same place.

"Bloody hell! Sorry (Y/N)!" He said apologetically.

"It's alright, really."

More silence.

"Umm- (Y/N)- I've been meaning to tell you something." He said quietly

"Yes?" You said, your heart doing cartwheels.

"Would you- umm- like to go out sometime- with me- as a date- I mean- it doesn't have to be if you don't want-"

"Of course." You said, overjoyed that he had asked.

"I'll... pick you up at seven?" He said slowly.

"Sure!" You replied.

As you two were going your separate ways, you hear a loud yell: "FINALLY! TOOK YOU ALL LONG ENOUGH! SERIOUS-"

"SHUT UP SALLY!" You both said in unison. And the two of you walked off happily

Hope you enjoyed it @Sherlock_Holmes1391 !

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