Sherlock x Reader: Oblivious

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You could do it. You could do it. You could do it. You ran that sentence over and over in your head until you arrived. Today was the day, you thought. Today's the day you would tell him. You were going to tell Sherlock Holmes you liked him. No, not strong enough a word. That you loved him. You had been mentally debating for ages whether or not you would tell him, because you knew how much of an emotionless prick he could be sometimes. You knew that he would probably not reciprocate. But did that stop you? Nope. The only reason you had convinced yourself to do it was that you were thinking, and you realized that it would be better to just life the huge weight off of your chest sooner than later, rather than waiting and getting your hopes up. You greeted Mrs. Hudson politely, and walked up the stairs to 221B. You did a few, brief, rhythmic knocks, and there was not answer, so you let yourself in.(Sherlock had given you spare keys) As soon as you opened the door, you noticed Sherlock sitting in his chair, with his hands in his signature thinking position. He was clearly very deep in his mind palace, cracking a new case. Since you realized you couldn't really get him out of that state, you just turned to leave. You had your hand on the doorknob, when Sherlock suddenly kept up and cried

"John! I've got it!"

You couldn't figure out why but this upset you, and since you were in a bitter mood you said

"John's been out with Mary for the past few hours, and in case it's not important enough to remember or you just forgot, my name is (Y/N)"
You said it so coldly you could almost feel the temperature drop.

He gave you a confused puppy dog look and cocked his head. You willed yourself not to give him a reaction.

"What? Why would I forget your name (Y/N)?" He said softly, seemingly confused as well.

You said nothing and just stood there sadly. The man you loved didn't get it. It was almost laughable how sad your situation was, because even if he did realize, he wouldn't feel the same way. You continued to not say anything. Before you realized that you had started crying. Not sobbing, or making any noise, but tears had silently began sliding out of your eyes and down your face.

"Sherlock?" You said, so quietly, most people wouldn't have heard.

He looked panicked at the fact that you were crying, and looked worried, too. He was almost scared looking. You continued to talk in the same almost silent tone.

"Do you ever look at people like John and Mary and feel sad?"

If possible, he looked more confused and took a step towards you.

"What do you mean (Y/N)? Do you have romantic feeling towards John?" He said, still confused.

You almost laughed at how clueless he was. Sweet irony. The best detective in the world didn't have the faintest idea of what was going on right under his nose. At that point you couldn't really beat it any longer and you let out a brief, short laugh.

"(Y/N)? You're really not okay.. what's wrong?"

You were laughing but you were still crying. You were laughing, but you wanted to start sobbing, and without realizing it, you did.

"(Y/N) really! What's wrong? It's okay just tell me!"

You couldn't handle it anymore and you just broke.

"God! I'm in love with you Sherlock! I've been in love with you for the longest time, and you haven't even noticed! Are you serious! The worlds greatest detective and he doesn't see what's right in front of his eyes! Do you understand how hard it is to see the person you are head over heels for everyday and know that they have rejected you, even before you've asked! How can a master of deduction be so OBLIVIOUS!" You yelled, so upset that you ran out of the house and slammed the door.

You ran quickly down the steps, and out the door of the building. You ran and ran and ran until you reached the Whitechapel Gallery. You stopped at the entrance, before walking in. You and Sherlock used to come in there all the time to admire the art and do some thinking if there was a tough case. You both loved art, and the gallery was a great place to clear your head. After poking around and looking for a while, you remembered that you weren't here just for the art. You climbed up to the top floor, and then onto the roof.


After you got to the roof you decided to do some thinking. You needed to think about whether or not this was definitely something you wanted to do. You thought about your whole life. When you were a kid, and you would ride your bike around the neighborhood, but you would always fall and scrape your knees, but when you came home, your mom would give you a bandage and tell you it would be just fine.

When you would dress up in your dads business clothes and he would come in and act like he was your kid and you were the father. Or maybe even that he acted like you were his boss and you went to work with him.

But everything changed with the car crash.

You were only 17 when both of your parents were on their way home from the airport and they had just gotten back from their vacation. Suddenly, a drunk driver rammed into the side of their car and they both died because of the impact. They were dead even before the doctors could get there, and the driver got away. They still haven't found him.

You thought about when you first moved out of the countryside of England and moved into London. And then when you moved into a little apartment, and when you went to take your dog, Jack, out for a walk, when you bumped into the Baker Street boys themselves, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. They of course helped you up (Well, technically, John helped you up, Sherlock just stood there.) and you introduced yourself. Everything went smoothly from there. Or so you thought. You developed an unrequited love for the consulting detective and you couldn't make yourself stop.

And then you arrived at the current moment.

When you were about to jump.

You walked over to the edge, got on, and-

"(Y/N) DON'T!"

You whipped your head around and jumped back on to the ground from the ledge.

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry I didn't say anything back there but I do love you. I really do. I just assumed that you would never love me back because of how weird I am. I'm not like most people. But you, you're unique in a positive way. You're beautiful, and smart, and kind, and I love you too much to see you die. So please, make the right decision." He said, with so much truth and love in his voice, you realized there was no way he could be lying.

"Sherlock I-"

You began, but you were cut off when Sherlock quickly walked towards you, cupped your face gently with both hands, and kissed you softly, but passionately. You were taken aback, but immediately returned the gesture. The kiss seemed to last forever, and when you finally broke apart for air, you were both smiling at each other with love in your eyes.

"I guess you were the oblivious one. For not noticing how head over heels I was for you." Sherlock said.

You said nothing, but pulled him in for another kiss.


Hope you all enjoyed!

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