Moriarty x Reader: Beautiful Mayhem

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Your name was (Y/N). You grew up like everyone else, and you were a normal kid. As far as anyone knew. A little antisocial, a little quiet, but still normal. That's what they thought before. You loved fighting from the moment you started doing it, though. A black belt in Taekwondo by age 10, and by 14, a black belt in jiu jitsu. You were an expert in the use of the use the bow and arrow by age 12, and you began shooting guns at age 13, and mastered it by age 16. You could use a sword with expert precision by age 15 as well, and threw and used knives with deadly accuracy at around the same age.Yes. Perfectly normal. (A/N: Fun fact, this is actually the story of my childhood believe it or not. Yeah. Everyone else was posting videos on YouTube and I was shooting guns. Thanks mom and dad. Everything after this isn't true though (besides the MMA))You never knew why, it just attracted you. Later on in your life, you mastered judo, aikido, Thai kickboxing, and MMA. Stop lying to yourself, (Y/N). It wasn't until about age 17 however that you realized you were a psychopath. Not in the traditional sense, though. You were perfectly rational, you reacted to things, you had a sense of humour. But violence attracted you. You were a sadist. You were a pessimist to the greatest extent, and had the outlook on life that quote unquote "humanity couldn't be saved, so why not have a little fun?". You were a grade A nustcase, to put it simply. At least there's some honesty. Once you had this revelation though, you didn't fight it. You embraced it. You started going out to illegal brawls and starting any bar fight you possibly could. You distanced yourself from anyone you could have possibly cared about, because of your occupation plan. You wanted to become a mercenary. You easily concluded that it would be the best use of your abilities, so that's what you got ready for. How rational of you. You graduated and went to the toughest army school in the country, and went for 4 years. You decided to leave with a bang, instead of a graduation, so you murdered all the coaches and wrote on the walls with their blood "You're in luck everyone! School's out. Go nuts ;)


Just accept that you're infinitely fucked up.
Obviously, there was no one at the school named Marina, and you made sure not to make any friends at the school, so know one knew any
"(Y/N)". You even slept in an empty room because you told the school you had an anxiety disorder. Which was true, but whatever.

You made a fake persona, dyed the bottom half of your hair a sea green/blue, and fled to a different country. Norway. (A/N: HELLO OLD FRIENDS. I don't get many people who get that reference so if you do... umm... #bless I guess) You got yourself hired as a mercenary in Norway at 22, and had over 20 confirmed hits of very powerful people in just over a year. You were getting noticed though, so you changed the dye in your hair to pink and ran to Korea. Business was good there. You were there for two years and had 36 hits, but then you ended up in the news, so you vowed to be more careful, changed the tips to red, and ran to Saudi Arabia. Business was VERY good there, and you got to do more. You blew so much shit, and got to torture people, and you occasionally even just got sent on intel missions. Oh and burning things. Let's not forget you were a hell of a pyromaniac, so blowing things up and setting things on fire was like Christmas for you. You stayed for 4 years and racked up a kill count of over 100. Oh joy. You're a mass murderer. Good job! Probably because of all the explosions. You became the most wanted person in Saudi. So much for being more careful. It was a shame, but you had to leave, so you fled and moved to somewhere more discreet now that you were wanted in 3 countries. "Marina Almas" was going to have to fly under the radar for a bit. You packed up and moved to England. You bought a flat and relaxed for the first time in years. Being a mercenary was great and all, but it was nice to be able to relax without having to watch your back. You lay low for about a year, and you turned 30 that year.
(A/N: Moriarty's 35 soooo...)

You were just out and about one day, buying groceries, when suddenly, someone recognized you. Audrey Linford. From grade school.

Your best friend.

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