I just realized none of you have a fuckin clue who I am

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I just realized that being the dumbass I am, I never introduced myself. Alright then.

Hi! My first name is Sophia, and no I will not disclose my last name. I'm Canadian/American but I live in this weird little place called "Dubai". Look it up if you want. It's actually pretty cool since we have the tallest building in the world over here. I'm 17, for people who wanted to know. I'm hella depressed if you couldn't tell, and I have anxiety, too. Yay! Wattpad, you guys, and avengers endgame are the only things keeping me alive right now, and I mean that literally, so thank you a ton for reading this. It always makes my day to know people actually read and enjoy my work. That being said, I don't like the whole "oh well I'm sad so imma stop writing" thing. Like, if that's how you feel, okay, but I'd never do that. So don't worry, I'll keep updating as long as I'm alive and well. Ummm... if there's anything else anyone wants to know, just ask. I'm totally open to talking about any fandom I'm in, or if any of you want me to learn about or join a fandom, I'll do that to as long as it's within reason. I'm here if any of you need to rant about something or other, so don't stress too much.

Love you all!


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