Moriarty x Reader: i love you

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Inspired by Billie Eilish's "i love you". Quarantines a thing so I'm definitely gonna start posting again. No more hiatus' for a while :) Info for the story: reader replaces Sherlock in this au, but she can see what Sherlock can't. Feelings.


So here you were. Jim, sitting on the ledge, you, approaching him. 

"Staying Alive! Boring, isn't it?!" were the words the man across from you said in a tone that clearly held deeper meaning. 

"I wouldn't say that. Things have been much much more interesting since you showed up, Mr. Moriarty," you said with a smile. You knew this was your deathbed, but there was no one you'd rather be the one to put you into your coffin. He had been your first challenge, and he'd be your last. Poetic, isn't it?

"Oh come now dear, no need for such formality. I mean, I'm gonna kill you. I think we're past acquaintances, wouldn't you say?" Jim said with a chuckle.

"I suppose." You shifted your hands in front of you. You tapped the binary rhythm onto the back of your left hand with your right.

"Good. You've gotten that at least," he said with a sad smile that sent up red flags.

"What do you mean, at least? Is there something I missed? What is it?" you said curiously and slightly worriedly.

"I mean you disappoint me, love."

"Why's that? I caught onto Partita #1, like you wanted, didn't I?"

"The code is meaningl- wait. What. WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! SPEAK UP."

You were surprised by the amount of pure rage in his voice. What did you do wrong? 

"Uh.. 'I caught onto Partita #1, like you wanted, right?'. That's what I said," you said quietly.

"NO. NONONO. YOU DON'T GET TO BEAT ME AT MY OWN GAME. I PROMISED YOU A FALL," Jim said, yelling with an animalistic level of rage and walking over to you quickly with big strides.

"I don't understand! What did I do?!" He was getting really close.

"THE- you. Ohoho. You. YOU," he said while backing you up against the door. His voice had become extremely husky, dropping a few octaves, and his accent thickening. He caged you in with his arms, and you didn't dare move. You knew what he was capable of. Usually you weren't scared, but this was completely different. What the hell was going on?! 

"Jim, please, what did I do, I don't understand!" you said, beginning to panic.

He said nothing. His chocolate eyes swam with a million different feelings and they bore into yours, looking right into your very soul. Suddenly, he stepped back and straightened himself out.

"You know what happens next, (Y/N)," he said in his normal tone.

Woah, what? (Y/N)? He almost never uses your real name, usually just pet names. Something was definitely up. You looked up to get a read on him. He was confused, distressed, and very, very stressed. What about, you had no clue. But you knew for sure how he felt. 

"Right. I jump. Complete our story. The disgraced detective, a fraud, and soon, a corpse."

"Lovely day to die isn't it?" he said with a fake smile. He tried to look like his typical insane self, but it was a fake. You could tell from one look at his eyes. 

"I- yeah. It is a nice day," you said, unsure of where this is going. You realized that you were jumping for nothing though. Why-

"Oh and also John, Lestrade, Molly, and Ms. Hudson will die if you don't. Just in case you needed a little incentive."

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