Chapter Two: The First Day

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"ELSA, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!!" Anna screams as she shoves me off of my bed.
"Anna, what the hell?!"
"Get up! It's our first day of school!" Just as she came, Anna ran out the door.
I moan and walk to my dressing room, having my usual argument with myself over colors.
"Let's No, it doesn't match my eyes. Brown? No. Just no. Pink? No, it's too girly. White? Stains too easily. Yellow? Eew, no. It reminds me of pee. All that's left is...BLUE!!!!!" I take a baggy, blue see-through top and put it over a white tank-top. I look for a pair of jeans and decide that the light blue works best. I roll them up to my knees and put on some white sandals. Afterwards I braided my hair as usual and applied some light make up to my face. Suddenly, Anna bursts through the door again.
"Ooh, you're gorgeous! Let's go, the bus is here!"
I gasp and quickly grab my bag, running outside later to climb up the four bus steps. All the seats are taken except for one. I sit down, put on my headphones, and eventually fall asleep. It's too damn early.
I wake up with a harsh shove on my shoulder. Some douche with white hair and a blue hoodie is scowling at me.
"Get out of my seat. Now," he says. He grits his teeth as I scowl back at him.
"I see no name tag," I say. He gives me a death glare.
"Woman, if you don't get out of my seat in five seconds, your school is going to fall down as well! Now get out, you stupid Disney!"
I glare into his eyes. They were scary, but mine can be scarier.
"No. If you want your seat, come and get it." I give him my returned death glare, and his eyes open a little wider. Thaaaat's right, look at me all you want to. This is what superiority looks like, bitch.
"I've never met a feisty Disney before. You must be a newbie, because you clearly don't seem to know who I am. I'm the one and only Jack Frost! Now get out of my seat!"
I stand up. He is taller than me, would you look at that. He's quite built, actually. It's a shame his ego is bigger that his head, or I might think he's slightly attractive. However, I've gone past that point.
"I don't give a damn who you are! It's none of your buisness what I am and what I'm not! You can't judge me just because I'm a Disney, and I will not get out of this seat! Good day to you!" I sit back down and put my headphones back on, looking out the window in the process.
I lean my head on the window and close my eyes. About ten minutes later, the bus stops, and the boy immediately jumps out of "his" seat and runs off. I roll my eyes and carefully walk down the four steps. My eyes grow wide as they landed on the school-it's HUGE!
I turn around and see Anna running after me. She takes my arm, and I lead her to the office. We get stares, death glares, mumbles, and wide, drooling eyes from the heavy-set (probably football players) boys. I roll my eyes and we walk inside. The boy from the bus is already in there, and he scowls at me when we meet eyes. I stick my tongue out like a child and he just snickers.
"Here you go Mr. Frost. Next?"
I walk up.
"Uhm...Elsa and Anna Arendelle's schedules please." The woman smiles and hands two sheets of paper to me.
"There you go m'ladies." She does a microscopic bow and I smile. She knows.
"What class do you have first, Sis?"
I look at my schedule.
"Hmm...Chemistry. You?"
"Oh! We have the same class!!"
I smiled as we walked to chemistry together, but first stopping at our lockers. Anna's locker was right next to mine, and I scowled at both of them. They were decorated. Mine had snowflakes and frost patterns on it, and on the top it had a cursive ELSA. The same goes for Anna, but hers was covered in flowers. We both raised our eyebrows and walked to chemistry, deciding to just drop it.
"Hello, I am Mrs. Jessica, your chemistry teacher! May I have your names?" she asked us. Anna spoke for us as I looked around the room. There was that stupid white haired boy again. Next to him was...the most...gorgeous...guy...I have ever seen...oh my. He had shaggy brown hair, glasses over emerald eyes, and a book up to his face. Oh my god he's handsome...he looked up at me from his book, and his eyes widened. He slowly put the book down and just stared at me. We both looked in each others eyes, but then a nudge on my shoulder made me look away. I could feel my face growing super hot. I looked at him again, and his face was as red as a tomato.
     "Els, come on." Anna takes my hand and I sit one seat away from the gorgeous nerd, and Anna is sitting next to him. I'm absoloutley jealous-I won't deny it. The bell rang, and I could feel the boy looking at me every few seconds. The teacher was giving us a lecture, and I tried my hardest to listen, but my mind was too focused on the boy two seats away from me. I look over at him, and I can see that he's having a similar situation. Does he like me? Do I like him? Hell yes I like him!! I looked over at him again and saw he was passing notes with my sister. She giggled and looked at me. I knitted my eyebrows together, and the teacher told Anna to shut up. She turned red, and I wanted to burst in laughter. I covered my hand and snorted at her flushed face. A few people turn to me and now I start to blush, because one of those few people was the boy. I looked at him with a hand over my mouth, and he was smiling. He looked into my eyes, and immediately looked away. This day will be just fine.

Jack's P.O.V.
     I sat down next to Hiccup, who was stuffing his nose in a book, and that chick from the bus walked in with a cute redhead.
     "Hi! I am Mrs. Jessica, your chemistry teacher! May I have your names?" Before the chick could say anything, the hot redhead spoke up.
     "I'm Anna Arendelle, and this is my sister, Elsa." I looked at Elsa. I really just don't like her. It's obvious that she bleached her hair and wore color contacts. She's such a fake, just like every other Disney that ended up here. God, I can't wait until DreamWorks is rebuilt or something, cause I'm desperate to get out of here.
     Elsa scowls at me and I scowl back, but then her eyes land on Hiccup. They widen and her face turns red. Well, this is stupid. Of all girls to want to have a go with him, why the hell did it have to be her? He's my best friend, and I'm sure as hell not going to let whatever that is happen. Bros before hoes. Then, as if to defy me, Hiccup looked up from his book (for once) and his eyes immediately fell on Elsa. Damn it. They widened and his face looked as if it was caught on fire. He slightly lowered his book, which is a first, and looked at Elsa for what seemed like ages. I scrunched my brows. What is so special about this stupid girl?
     "Hiccup," I say, but I get no reply.

Hiccup's P.O.V.
     I was reading my dragons book, as usual, trying my hardest not to make fun of all of these Disneys. They are a little too perfect. And hey, just because I'm acting like a girl in this "drama" thing doesn't mean I'm gay, kay? Anyways, they all always have a lot of money. They are all pretty. They are all popular. That all bugs the hell out of me.
     Just when I reach the Night Fury section, I heard a voice say, "I'm Anna Arendelle, and this is my sister, Elsa." I look up from my book to get a glimpse of the new Disneys, which aren't important but I'd still like to see them. I first looked at the redhead, who's not that attractive, because she's-get ready for it- too perfect. Everything about her screams normal. A new Disney, look at that. Yaay! Then, I looked at the other...beautiful...gorgeous...hypnotizing...woman. There is no way possible that she belongs as a Disney... She's not perfect, which makes her perfect in everyway. Her hair stands out like white in black. Her eyes reflect the very sea of Berk itself, and her lips are a rough, thin line, that look like they have been pursed their whole life. She's beautiful in everyway.
     The redhead, Anna, sits next to me, and the other, Elsa, sits next to her. Elsa... What a gorgeous name. I glanced at her a million times in just one minute, trying to take in every curve in her face before she looks at me. There's only one thing to do now. Get to her and speak.
     I tear a sheet of paper out of my notebook, and write on it with my sloppy handwriting.
     "When is Elsa on her free time?"
     After handing it to her, Anna looks at Elsa and giggles. Don't you dare say a word to her. Then, the teacher yelled at Anna, and Anna turned into a deep shade of fuchsia. I was about to laugh, but someone beat me to it. It wasn't a beautiful laugh, but a funny one. A snort, a chuckle. It came from Elsa, and that made me just love her more. I looked at her and smiled. She has a hand over her mouth, but I know she's smiling back. This will be very good day.

Who do I Want?- A Hiccelsa/Jelsa Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now