Chapter Thirteen: the Sleepover

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I have a question. How do you add a picture to a chapter? Answer if you can. Thanks.

Well, it's the end of the school day. I have no idea why I agreed to going to Jack's today, because it's Monday. I should have second guessed myself. Who cares though, I'll do it for Emma. I've told Anna that I'm going, so she won't be worried about me. This could be fun, who knows. I actually have no idea what goes on in Jack's house.

I walk to my locker to put all of my things away, and I notice a few new girls walking down the hallway. They wear WAY too open clothes, their hair is crazy neon colors, and they have on pounds, against pounds, against POUNDS of makeup on. I'm glad Rapunzel took my advice on taking the makeup off, because she would've been in competition with these creepy girls. I look at all of them, and one looks Her hair is platinum blonde just like mine, she has on contacts that make her eyes deep blue like mine, she's wearing blue, and her hair is in a braid with ice crystals stick in it. What the hell? She scowls at me, and then that face turns into jealousy when Jack walks next to me. He puts his arm around my waist, and the girl looks enraged. I. Mean. Pissed. Off. They all stop and gossip, looking at me, and giggle. Jack notices the one like me, and says, "what the hell are you trying to pull off?" The girl giggled, and walked up to him. Jack pulled me closer, as the girl says, "I'm pulling off being your girlfriend." Those words couldn't sink into my brain for some reason. I couldn't react. That is, until she tried to kiss Jack. That was it. I shoved her as hard as I could, and she fell to the floor. The rest of the girls didn't do anything.


"Don't you dare touch him. Jack is mine, and only mine," I say, and we leave.

"Well...that was interesting," Jack said. I snort.

"I still can't believe that she copied my looks to get to you," I say, while getting in his car. Jack smiled.

"She failed horribly. No matter how many pounds of makeup and no matter how many contacts and hair products she puts on, she would NEVER have the beauty you posses." Jack says. I smile and blush.

We drive off, and pick up Emma at Jamie's house. Jamie waved at me, and I waved back. We both smiled, and Emma hopped in the back.

"YAAAY, ELSIE IS COMING WITH US!!!!!!!" We all laughed, and drove off to Jack's house.

We get there, and I marvel at how big it is. His parents must town a really big company. Jack pulls into the driveway, and a few maids walk outside. They open the door for me, and I smile at them all.

"Welcom, sir Jack, ms Elsa, and ms Emma," one maid says. I was about to say something back, but Emma took my hand and dragged me to her room. She slammed the door, and locked it. She turned around smiling at me.

"Dress up, pronto," she said. I giggled, and we searched through her closet. We both pouted.

"I don't like anything in here," Emma said. I smiled.

"Nothing in here would fit me," I say. I look at Emma, and smile mischievously.

"Do you want to see something cool?" I asked. She nodded and jumped up and down. Right then and there, I showed her my powers. Her eyes widened, and marveled at them.

"Oh! Elsie, it's so pretty!!" I laughed. Then, I thought of an idea. I shot a little ice at her feet, and it spread up her legs, and to her neck. It went down her arms, and formed a beautiful dress. I didn't know that I could do this, but hey, I'm a queen. I can do anything. I took Emma's hair down, and I messily fishtailed it. She was beautiful. She ran around the room, jumping and looking in the mirror, over and over. Then, she turned to me, with enormous eyes. She reminds me of Anna.

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