Chapter Eighteen

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"Are all of those women actually your—"
"Wives? Yeah." Negan chuckled, throwing his scarf on his bed. Carl set the platter of food on the coffee table. "I always wanted to screw a whole bunch of different women."

"You are disgusting." I clenched my jaw, my head moving away from Negan's glare. "So you're telling me, you two haven't-" Mine and Carl's face turned extremely red. I tensed up, "That is none of your concern." I said, rather quickly. "So you haven't?" Negan's laugh boomed throughout the room. "I'm just yanking your dick." He bent backwards a little bit, "Like I was saying, you may wanna take notes Carl, why settle for just one? Why follow the same old rules? Why not make life better?" Negan paused, "Sit, please."

I sat on the couch next to Carl, Negan sitting directly across from us, picking throughout the platter. I fidgeted with my fingers on my side. I was nervous, I thought that today would be his last day. I thought I would've ended Negan's Reign of Terror, but perhaps I made it worse.

"Let's get started." Negan clapped his hands together. "Started on what." Carl asked.

"I want to get to know you two a little better." Negan rubbed his hands together.

"Why?" I asked, I tried to sound loud but it came out in a little squeaky whisper. "Work it out. You're smart. In fact, I'm gonna tell you how smart the both of you are, in case you don't already know." I tensed a bit, straightening myself on the couch. Negan took note of that. "See, I'd expect a kid around your guys' age to be moping around, not doing a damn thing, except crying about missing prom. But you two—" He paused taking a drink out of his wine glass, "You go on a mission. You find me, you two killed two of my men, and you're smart enough to know that I'm not going to let this slide. No sir."

"Why don't you just kill me and make a point? You seem to have a habit of doing that." I said coldly. Negan stares dead at me, "I'm sorry about your friends—"

"Family." I corrected him. "And you're not sorry. If you were sorry, you would leave me and my family alone." Carl stayed quiet. Negan chuckled, ignoring me, "She's a stubborn one ain't she?" Carl didn't answer.

"Ah, I can't—" Negan paused to laugh, "I can't do it. It's like talking to a birthday present. You gotta take that crap off your face." He said referring to Carl's bandages.

"No." Carl shook his head. "Two men!" Negan yelled. I flinched slightly, slamming my hand on the coffee table, "And you killed two of ours and kidnapped one." I said.

"Punishment. Do you really wanna piss me off?" Carl's lip quivered, he sighed deeply looking down, his hand going up to his bandage. This would be the first time I ever saw it. He would make Rick or Michonne change his bandages but never me. He was scared of what I would think. I always said I would like him for who he is but he never listened. He shifted his body a tiny bit, facing away from me. I looked down at my hands.

Carl placed his hat on my head, I still looked down. I knew he didn't want me to look at it so I respected what he wanted. Negan chuckled, I saw the bandages be placed of the coffee table and I continued to look down. "Get that hair out of your face." Negan said. "Christ!" Negan boomed. I picked my head up a little bit only to see his hand, shaking.I fumbled with my thumbs. "That is disgusting. No wonder why she doesn't wanna look at it." Negan was referring to me. "No wonder you cover that up. Have you seen it? Have you looked in the mirror? That is gross as hell! I can see you soc-"

"That's enough." I spoke sternly, I picked my head up keeping my gaze away from Carl, glaring at Negan. "You're an asshole." Negan's eyebrows furrowed, "I mean christ you won't even look at it!" "So, it's just a fucking wound!" I cursed. Carl let in a deep breath, calming himself, "You can look." He spoke softly. "Are you sure?" He hummed in response. I fixed my gaze onto Carl. I didn't gasp. I didn't look disgusted. I smiled at him. Negan shook his head, his face falling out of  his twisted smile, "Damn. Holy hell, kid." We looked back at Negan.

"I wasn't expecting that response." He cleared his throat, "Look— I just— It's easy to forget that you two are just kids." I heard Carl sniffle. "And I didn't mean to hurt your guys' feelings or anything. I—" He sighed. "Tessa, I understand why now. I was just screwing around."

"Just forget it." Carl said coldly. There suddenly was a knock at the door.

I zoned out during this time. Negan was talking dirty to 'Lucille'. Asking Carl if he wanted to be with one of his wives. I glared at him. Negan chuckled.

"I want you to sing me a song." Negan said. "What?" Carl asked. "Yeah. You both mowed down two of my men with a machine gun. I want something in return for that. Sing me a song."

"I can't sing." I said. "Neither can I." Carl added.

"Bullshit! What'd your mom used to sing you." My heart sank as I remember what Carl told me and my heart broke for the fact that my mother sung the same lullaby to me so I could sleep in the beginning of this.

Negan stood up, Lucille in hand, pointing 'her' at us, "Start singing."

"Okay, Okay." Carl said, he cleared his throat.

"You too," He boomed pointing Lucille at me.

Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at the wall.

"You are my sunshine," Carl began, "Go on."

"My only sunshine," I joined, my voice cracked slightly, I gulped,

"You make me happy," I choked out. Carl wiped at tear,

"When skies are grey," Carl's hand shook. Negan practiced swinging his bat. Carl flinched looking over. I sung louder and more in tune,

"You'll never know dear," Negan stopped swinging his bat, looking at me.

"How much I love you. So,

"Please don't take my sunshine away." I finished. Still staring at the wall. A tear left my eye, finally.

"That was pretty good. Lucille loves to be sung too. It's about the only thing she loves more than bashing brains." He said pointing it at me. "Weird huh?"

"Did your mothers' sing that to you?" He asked us. "Where are they now?"

I looked at Negan, another tear falling. Another knock on the door. "Jesus! Who is it?"

The door opened, a woman's voice, "I'm sorry to bother you Negan, but the iron is ready."

That voice. My eyes darted over to the doorway. Another tear fell out of my eye as the woman gasped.

That woman was my Mother.

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