Chapter Twenty-Four

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A gunshot clambered throughout the street, a single shell casing clinking as it fell to the ground. "Shit!" I heard Negan curse out and yell. "What the shit!" The sound of metal hitting the ground could be heard. I peaked my head over the railing. Rosita was on the ground, a knife being pointed at her face. "You just tried to kill me! You shot Lucille!" Negan yelled, it looked like he was throwing a temper tantrum.

"She got in the way!" Rosins shot back. Negan picked the bullet casing up from the ground "What is this?" He showed the bullet to Rosita, "What is this? This little bad boy made from scratch? Look at those crimps." He said studying the bullet. "This was homemade. You may be stupid, darlin'," I slowly got back onto my feet. "But you showed some real ingenuity here. Arat, move that knife up on the girls face, right under her eye." Arat did exactly what Negan said, "Lucille's beautiful, smooth surface is never gonna look the same, so why should yours?!" He exclaimed, "Unless, you tell me who made this bullet."

"It was me." She said, breathing heavily, trying her best not to show her fear. Carl gripped my hand this time. Squeezing it. I squeezed it back. "I made it."

"You see, now I just think you're lying. And you lying to me now?!" Olivia joined us back on the porch, She looked at the both of us, clueless into what just happened. Her eyes gazed onto Spencer's body and she gasped. "Such a shame." Negan said. "Arat's gonna have to cut up that pretty face." Negan cleared his throat, "One more try." Rosita picked her face up and slide it against the knife, "It was me." She spat, setting her head back down the onto the concrete surface. Blood trickled out of her cheek. Negan chuckled. Arat looked at him. "You are such a badass!" He chuckled. The cynical smile appeared back on his face. "Have it your way."

"Arat, Kill somebody." He said melancholy. I wanted to say something. Carl gripped my hand harder. I was in the middle of Olivia and him. My face stood emotionless. "No! It was me!" Rosita yelled as Arat took her gun out. She turned back to us aiming and shooting, Olivia fell, her blood splattered on my face. Carl yelled, "Ohh!" as she fell. I flinched, tears trickled from my face as I fell with her. I examined the wound, It went straight through her cheek. Her glasses crooked. I fixed them with a sniffle. Carl looked back over to the street his eye widened. I looked over with him, Aaron was using Rick as support. Eric ran over, taking Aaron from Rick's grip. "We had an agreement." Rick said. I stood up slowly. This was my fault, all of it. "Rick!" Negan said hoarsely, "Look, everybody, it's Rick!" He pointed, "You're people are making me lose my voice doin' all this yelling." Rick looked around, "Rick, how about a "thank you"?" Rick glared at him, "I mean, look, I know we started this relationship with me beating the holy shit out of your friends, and because of that we're never gonna sit around and braid each other's hair or share our deepest, darkest secrets, but how about a little credit? I just bent over backwards to show you how reasonable I am. Your kid and his little girlfriend, they hid in one of my trucks and machine-gunned a bunch of my men down, and I brought them home, safe and sound, cute kid by the way." He chuckled, Rick looked at us, tears brimming his eyes, "And I fed them spaghetti." If looks could kill Carl and I would be flat dead on the ground. I found myself dryly swallowing once again. He looked away from us in disappointment. I looked down in embarrassment.

"Another one of your people," I listened, "Well, he wanted me to kill you and put him in charge. I took him out," He paused, "For you. And another one here. She shot Lucille, trying to kill me just now, so I gave you one less mouth to feed. And by looking at her, that mouth did some major damage. Now, personally, I wouldn't have picked her to be the on to go, but Arat." Negan sighed, "I don't know, didn't trust her." I looked back up. Rick inching closer to Negan. "Your shit's waiting for you at the gate. Just go."

Negan's mouth contorted into a smirk, "Sure thing, Rick, right after I find the guy or gal that made this bullet. Arat." Negan said. Arat aimed at Aaron and Eric.

"It was me!" Tara yelled. The guns pointed at her.

"No," Eugene said hoarsely, "It wasn't." He had his hands over his eyes, he was crying. "It was me." He sniffled, removing his hands from his eyes. "It was only me."

"You?" Negan asked.

"It required one spent casing, one four holes turret reloaded, powder, one funnel for the powder," Eugene was cut of by Negan, "Shut up. I believe you." Negan looked away from Eugene. He breathed deeply. "Lucille, give me strength." Negan sighed. "I'm gonna be relieving you of your bullet maker, Rick, that and whatever you left for me at the front gate and however much you scavenged, it's not good enough, because you're still in a serious, serious shit hole after today. Let's move out!" Negan yelled and with that, Negan's men and women began leaving, with Eugene. "No! No, no. Please take me!" Rosita cried out.
"Rick, I ain't gonna lie, your kitchen is a goddamn mess. I'll see you next time." Negan chuckled, Rick looked down. Negan walked away. His bat swaying. The Alexandrians began taking care of the bodies. One of them yelled as Spencer began groaning. Spencer got up, groaning louder as he saw Rick. Rick plunged his knife into his skull.

He then turned to me and Carl, placing his knife in his holster. "House. Now."

"Dad-" Immediately getting cut off. "I said, house now."

We walked into the house. Rick hot on our trails, slamming the door shut. I flinched.

"What the hell did you think you two were gonna accomplish, huh? You think you were gonna kill Negan with out any consequences?" Rick asked. "No-" "Then why'd you do it?" He asked. "I-I," I began, "It didn't seem fair that Glenn and Abraham are dead and he isn't." I choked out. Rick nodded sympathetically, Rick sighed out, "I don't know what to do with you two now." Rick sighed again.

"We'll clean the kitchen." I said. "You two were gonna do that anyway." He chuckled. I was about to turn into the kitchen, "Oh and Tess?"
Carl was already gone, Rick's voice dropped lower, "Basement tonight, I need you to map out the location of Negan's base." I nodded. "Don't tell Carl." "Yes, sir." I said quietly back. I walked into the kitchen, "What was that about?" Carl asked putting the dishes into the sink. "H-He was thanking me for tryin to protect y'all." I said. Carl nodded. "You have blood on your face." He said quietly. "Oh uh." I grabbed the rag. "Here, Let me." He took the rag from my hand, running it under the faucet of the running sink. He wiped my face.

"Thank you." I spoke softly. His bandage was still off. I looked at his face, studying it. Looking at the freckles on his nose. I took him in. I took everything in.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He joked. I glared at him, "Shut up." He put the rag in the sink. His hand still rested on my cheek. He looked at me, studying me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I mimicked. "Shut up." He replied, a smile was drawn on his face. His hand slipped off my face, he cleared his throat awkwardly, "Sorry." He said washing the dishes. "Don't be." I said scrubbing down the stove top.

I smiled to myself as I watched the stove, but then my smile disappeared as I remembered the events that took place today. Instead of a smile, I frowned, biting my lip.

The events that took place today were my fault. And I am going to live with that forever.

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