Chapter Sixteen

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I ran through the woods, groaning coming from all different directions, this is not how I am going to die. This is not how I want to die. Quickly thinking I took the stick flare out of my bag and set it off, throwing it to the right of me, the groaning disappearing, only to sound like an echo. I let out a huge sigh and my journey continues.

Finally, I came to a road, the road, the one that led straight to Hilltop. I smiled, swinging my little pocket knife on the string. That was until I felt my body being pushed up against the tree, the pocket knife fell from my grasp, I attempted to scream but my mouth was covered by a very masculine hand. I was breathing heavily as I decided to take a look at my "attacker". Carl.

My breathing calms down, I glared at him. "I'm going to let you go, I just need you to promise me you won't hurt me." He smiled at me, an apologetic look. I nodded slowly, he released me from his grasp and I quickly kicked him off his feet, "Are you crazy?" I looked at him, "I could've killed you!" He groaned, "But you didn't, so that's a plus."

I let out a breathless laugh, "I guess." I held my hand out, he took it and got up, "Now we're going home, you're lucky I read your note before my dad did."

"Carl no, you don't get to decide for me, I'm going and that's final. This is my only chance to get revenge for Glenn and Abraham and God knows who else that monster has killed." I glared at him. "Then I'm coming with you. Best friends initiative."

"No, you're going hom-"

"Then you're coming with me Tessa-"

"No-" "Yes-"

An hour later and both Carl and I stared at the trucks going into Hilltop, we were hiding in the woods. "We go into one of the trucks, hide in the back and then when they take us back to their sanctuary, we make our move," I whispered. Carl nodded, he turned me towards him, "Are you sure you want to do this Tessa?"

I nodded, "Are you?"

"Only with you." I smiled a little.

Carl kissed my forehead, I closed my eyes, his hand tilted my head more upwards. I opened my eyes and watched him. He looked back at my eyes with his eye and he started to lean in. I could feel my heartbeat ringing in my ears, the last time we actually shared a moment like this was forever ago, it felt like that anyway.

Our lips molded together in perfect harmony, it wasn't a sweat and simple kiss, it was more like a if this is our last day together on Earth kiss.

And I'm not going to lie,

I didn't mind the fact of me dying today.

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