polaroid one

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The first polaroid was taken at our friend Otto's house.

He had invited us over for his birthday party but treated it as just a normal day. At the time we didn't know each other but we clicked immediately after talking. Otto told me we would get along and I refused to believe him.

When I knocked on his door I was expecting him to answer, obviously, yet you appeared. You told me he was in the washroom, so you invited me in. It was thirty minutes before the start of the "party"; that got me wondering how close you and Otto were that you were more than thirty minutes early.

Otto's friend Geoff rang the doorbell at exactly the start time, surprised that people were here before him. You and Geoff already met previously. I could tell by the way you talked and didn't have to introduce yourself.

I told him my name - Caroline - and he told me his. Geoff and I spoke a lot in the first hour. He and I had more in common than I thought we would. It got to the point that we had nothing more to talk about that we joined your conversation with Otto.

The more I listened, the more I fell interested in you. You had an excited tone when talking about music and didn't like when someone interrupted you. That someone must have excluded me because when I would put in my two cents, you would listen, even if you were in a heated argument about Good Charlotte's best album.

My very limited knowledge of Good Charlotte must have caught your attention, as ever since that moment you wouldn't fail to check if I was having a good time.

Arguing was done and Otto pulled out a box of movies. I didn't care which one we watched but you were persistent with wanting to watch a Disney movie; specifically Up. No one else had an opinion on a movie to watch. We ended up watching Up.

I sat by the arm of the couch, next to Geoff. Otto sat next to him, and you sat right on the far side of me. I would have loved to see how much you were enjoying it since you wanted to watch it so bad.

A little past the halfway mark of the movie, Geoff got a text from his mom, telling him to come home. She's the one that dropped him off, so the only ride he really had was Otto. I hugged Geoff and said goodbye to him, getting his number before he left.

I sat back down on the couch, as did you. I thought that without anyone else on the couch, you would sit closer to me. The movie played as I prayed mentally for you to scoot next to me. When you didn't move I took it upon myself to move over a cushion.

It was awkward for a while until we figured that it would be better if we got to know each other. You told me that Up had always been a favourite of yours, choosing it over the other Disney movies in a split second. For me, it's been Peter Pan, and you agreed that it is a very good movie.

Up became white noise to us. We spoke about what we want to do when we're older and when you told me you wanted to be a musician, I wasn't surprised. From the way, you dyed your hair that weird way with the blonde sides, there had to be something unique about you.

The way you spoke about music and how you'd do anything to be in the business, it made me turn soft. I had never heard someone talk so highly of this subject. You had so many opinions on music it was hard to keep up.

Otto came back ten minutes later. He walked into you and I getting deep into conversation about the stupidest things. Instead of joining, he informed us that he would be going to sleep since it was getting fairly late. 

It wasn't hard to understand that he was tired, so we left. When we said our goodbyes, Otto shut the door. I lived just down the street so I figured I'd say goodbye to you too, but you didn't move from off of his porch.

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