polaroid nine

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The ninth polaroid was taken in the summer, the day of my birthday.

By this time we would have been dating for three months. Every moment together, you would ask what I wanted for this special day. And just as many times as you asked, I responded with "to be with you." That didn't get you anywhere.

I knew you asked Otto about what he thinks I would like. Otto said a necklace and you told him that's stupid. You knew damn well I thought jewellery was a stupid idea for a gift.

We all met up at my house. All of us being you, Otto, Geoff, Jawn and Daphne. Travis couldn't come because he had a family get together that day, sadly. I really wanted to see him again. I invited Chloe and Grace but Chloe had to bake brownies for a bake sale and Grace was grounded since she snuck out that week to hang out with Otto.

Otto arrived first since he lived two houses down and wasn't scared of being early. He handed me a neatly wrapped present and I just knew that Grace wrapped this for him.

Geoff came next with Jawn and Daphne. Geoff gave me a smaller gift. It was in the shape of a more rectangular box, covered in Mario wrapping paper because apparently, that's all he had in the house. Jawn and Daphne both pitched in for a gift, giving me a bag filled in with tissue paper.

I think you were scared of being too early. After everyone arrived, and five minutes later, there you were, knocking at the door. The guys, plus Daphne, stayed in the basement while I ran upstairs to bring you inside.

"Awsten! Come on!" I pulled you in and waited for you to pull out the gift you got me from your backpack. You didn't even have enough time to take off your jacket. Your foot hit the floor and everyone who was already here started screaming at you for being late.

I brushed them off and brought you down to sit with us. They found a small bouncy ball, throwing it from one side of the room to the next.

"Okay, so my parents want us to be here the entire time," I explained. "So, we have to sneak out or something if you want to leave." The house has a window that opens out in the basement to the backyard. Everyone understood, not being able to wait to launch themselves through the small window.

Spending time with our friends was the only way I ever wanted to spend my birthday. We sat in a circle, bouncing the ball to each other. It got to the point of our arms getting tired of throwing the ball around for no reason.

The presents they gave me sat on top of the couch, leaning against one another. They all encouraged me to open them, so that's what I did.

I opened Otto's first. Carefully peeling off the wrapping, I put it down next to me. A cardboard box taped shut, with the same tape that held down the wrapping. Taking off the tape, I opened the box.

"Otto," I smiled. Three books sat with the spine face-up, showing off the title. All three of them I was planning on buying myself. "You're my best friend."

It was only a few books, but books mean a lot to me. Tears found their way in the corner of my eyes, though I didn't want you guys to see me cry so I blinked them away. I went over and brought him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek.

Next was Geoff's. The very thin and tall gift made me curious about what's inside. As I took off the wrapping, I found that he didn't put his gift in a box, only put ribbon around it so it wouldn't move.

By the time I took off the Super Mario paper, I knew what Geoff had got me. A collection of five cassette tapes. Two from Joy Division, one from Pink Floyd, and two from My Chemical Romance.

I had never seen a My Chemical Romance cassette tape before, and if I ever had seen one, I would spend any amount of money to buy it. "Thank you, Geoff," I said, dragging out the E. I got down to hug him and I didn't let go after a few seconds so he knew how much I meant it.

Next was Jawn and Daphne's. I pulled out all the tissue paper and got the actual gift out. A pack of new Polaroid film. That alone made me happy as hell; I was running out. At the bottom of the bag was an envelope. Opening the envelope fell out $20. I ignored it and read what was inside. A few happy birthday wishes and drawn out happy faces. I brought the two into one hug, thanking them loads for everything.

Before I got your gift out, I checked over to see how you looked. With your head down, I knew you were anxious to see my reaction. Anything you could get me I would think it's the most beautiful.

Your gift came in a two-piece box; a detachable top. Lifting the top off, I saw what you had gotten me.

"Awsten, why are there two necklaces?" Inside were two unique necklaces, both different colours. The closer I looked at them, I saw they were made from plastic feet.

"Choose your favourite," you explained. "I get the other one and that way you'll never be alone."

The room went silent except for the beating of our hearts synchronized. They didn't know about us, but after this, they had a pretty good guess of what was going on between us.

I picked out the white and blue one, leaving you with the multi-coloured one. I handed you yours and put mind around my neck. It was really pretty and I want you to know that the only time I ever took it off was when I was going to make contact with water because I was afraid it would destroy your gift.

Two hours passed since I had opened everyone's amazing gifts. All of our eyes kept darting to the window, wanting so badly to feel rebellious and snake through it.

"Alright, fuck it," I groaned. I went over to the window and popped it open. Everyone ran to me like they were dogs and I was holding a treat. "Ladies first!"

Daphne climbed through first, and before Jawn could follow her, I bumped in. "Jawn... ladies first?" I smiled and climbed out.

The order went like this: Jawn, Otto, Geoff, and finally, you. There was a small breeze, something I'd always loved for being out in the dark. Although, when we were out for longer than ten minutes, I found myself shivering.

"Here." You snaked your arms out of your jacket and put it around my shoulders. It helped some, though I felt bad because now you were freezing. "I'll be fine, don't worry." It took the same amount of time for me to get cold for you to get cold.

Geoff and Otto were throwing the bouncy ball in the air and tackling each other to get a hold of it. Jawn and Daphne were sitting on the ground, picking up grass and tearing it apart.

I leaned against you, hoping it would make you warm. No one was paying attention to us, so it didn't matter the amount of affection we gave to each other.

"Happy birthday," you whispered to me.

I never had a birthday quite like this one. My older friends would've only came to the party for food, and this time I barely had any, so I know I can trust these guys. No matter how unorganized this was, I loved it.

"Awsten, you're the best." I kissed your cheek, cuddling up closer. It felt like an out-of-body experience to watch our friends that don't know anything about us.

Before we slipped back in through the window, you asked if we could take a picture. Did you go everywhere with that camera I got you? For a minute we thought of what to take a picture of, then I looked down at our shoes. All of us were wearing the exact same kind.

So you laid down on the ground and positioned the camera to get Otto's, Geoff's, and Jawn's shoes in the shot. Daphne and I stood by the side, watching the boys stand awkwardly. They didn't know how much these pictures meant to us.

The night ended with all of us sleeping on the ground, covered in multiple blankets. You decided I should take the couch for myself, though I felt lonely being up there myself, so I asked if you could come up with me.

Otto gasped and Geoff hit him to shut up. Otto said sorry and laid down, his head on a pillow. Not gonna lie, that did make me laugh.

I laid closer to the cushions while you could easily fall off if you move an inch. I know everyone in that room thought something of us; after all, what kind of friend blushes when the other asks if they can sleep next to them?

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