polaroid ten

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The tenth polaroid was taken at your house during a sleepover.

The third week into August you texted me, asking if I could sleep over. I had nothing else planned that day, so I told my parents that I'd be over at yours for the night.

I had packed a bag of things for me, knowing I'd need more than a pair of pyjamas. In my old school backpack, I had my camera, pyjamas, a book to read on the ride there, my phone's charger, and some headphones.

You told me to get there anytime I wanted, so I decided three would be good. The bus ride would take about thirty minutes; I'd leave the house at 2:15 to catch the 2:30 bus.

At 2:15, I put on my shoes and marched out the door, popping in my headphones for a more enjoyable walk. With my backpack hanging over my shoulders, I couldn't wait to see you again.

The bus arrived five minutes early, helping my legs out, as I did not want to stand any longer. It was almost empty, aside from a teenager sitting right at the back. I pulled out the book from my backpack and began reading.

More people came on and some got off, in the end, the bus was starting to get crowded. I never liked crowded busses. No one does. I closed my book, as I can't concentrate when there are too many heads in one space, and put back on my headphones to listen to music before your stop came.

We could easily see each other every day if we wanted, but some days you had plans, others I had plans, and on the days we matched up, our parents had plans. When we get to see each other, it's like a blessed day.

The stop came and I collected my bag and got off before the bus started moving again. It would take five minutes to walk to your house. I texted you, asking if you could wait outside for me so I wouldn't knock and have your parents open the door. Nothing on your parents, I would just rather if I were to see you first.

When walking up the street to your place, I saw you walking in the opposite direction to me. A smile plastered on my face, I ran towards you.

"Awsten!" I shouted, running into your arms. We laughed and I kissed your cheek. You turned pink and held my hand, walking us to your house.

You hadn't told your parents about us, but Gracie had a good idea about what was going on. She may have been basically a child, though knew a couple when she'd seen one. I said hi to her and followed you up to your room.

It was a little different than the last time I'd seen it. Speakers were perched on your desk, connected to your laptop.

"Mom and dad got my those," you said, looking underneath your bed while referring to the speakers. I sat on your bed, afraid to get too close to your very expensive looking speakers. "And grandpa and grandma got me this."

From underneath your bed came an electric guitar; all white. You had talked to me before about you wanting one for you could finally put good sounds to your lyrics, and now you could.

"That's amazing!" I couldn't take my eyes off of it. That was until I saw an open notebook sitting on your desk. My eyesight wasn't the best, but I could read a few lines. 'You'll be wrapped around my fingertips / But my paralysis is indefinite / And my eyes are frozen for you.'

A few more lines were under that, and some small writing at the top. "Can I read your lyrics?" I asked, leaning closer to the words written in black pen.

You flinched, whipping your head around to see that your book was open. Reaching over, you shut it, having a tight grip on your guitar in the other hand.

"Maybe later," you said. "Some of those are for you, actually." I gasped, hugging you from the side so you couldn't drop your very expensive gift. Some of those. So there was more than one lyric entry about me and that's what I couldn't get my mind off of.

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