polaroid four

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The fourth polaroid was taken during a sleepover at Grace's place.

This happened on Valentines Day, meaning I hadn't seen you in about a month. We would text and make plans about meeting up, but nothing ever worked out. So when Grace had planned this party and Otto added us to the group chat, I was beyond excited.

I felt weird being more excited to see you than I was to see Otto. I know him and I live close to each other but he's my best friend; I should be more ecstatic about it. It was hard dealing with you slowly becoming my best friend after only talking to you three times. Then again, relationships shouldn't be ranked by how long you've spent with them.

Once again, this was going to be a situation where everyone there is a couple and you and I would feel awkward. Travis wouldn't be tagged along because Otto told me he has a family thing that day. That was the excuse I would use when I didn't wanna hang out with people.

So when I arrived at Grace's place, I knew you wouldn't be there because she asked me to come early to help her set up. Something had to be up, she could have brought over Chloe instead of me. They do know each other more.

"C'mon!" She exclaimed when the door opened. There weren't any cars in the driveway so I'm guessing she kicked out her parents so we could all have fun. "Otto and I have everything set up, sort of."

When I got in it was clear that they still had a long ways to go. There were blankets, but they weren't laid out. Snacks sat on a table, still in their wrapping.

They played music while we worked to get everything ready before the party started. We weren't expecting anyone to come this early, aside from me. I went to open the door while Otto and Grace poured the treats into bowls.

Opening the door, I didn't think that you would be on the other side of it. Holding a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, your face flushed pink when you saw me. "This is for you." You gave me the chocolates, clearly nervous. That's something about you that never changed; around me, you were nervous.

I took the generous offer and allowed you in, flustered. You wore a plain grey shirt, tucked into black pants. I couldn't deny, you did look really good.

When we got in, Otto and Grace had their bowls of treats on the table, finished. They were now positioning the blankets to make a cute tent. I couldn't wait for the movies to start.

When three o'clock hit, everyone was here. Geoff and Chloe looked all adorable, not able to take their eyes off each other. Then, Jawn and Daphne arrived, smiling and all. We were the odd ones out.

Before we could all lay in the tent, I took a peek inside. The lights gave it a dim look, making it pinker than it actually is. Inside my backpack that at first I only brought to gold movies, held my camera.

You watched me from the other side of the room as I positioned myself at an angle that got the entire tent. The photo printed out, I shook it immediately.

Grace brought the chocolate sweets while Otto had the chips. You helped me set up the projector that we would connect to Grace's laptop. I couldn't stop thinking about how that day would come out.

We all chose our seats, trying to get as comfortable as possible. I was the last to take a seat since I was in control of the projector. While the movie started, I stepped my way through the maze of bodies, looking for an empty spot. You saved a space next to you, looking up to me as if hoping I would sit there. Where else would I have sat?

There was only a big enough space for me to be huddled up, my knees against my chest. So that's what I did. I leaned against you, finding that the most comfortable. Your heartbeat sounded louder than the movie itself.

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