polaroid twelve

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The twelfth polaroid was taken at a New Years party down the street from your house.

A girl that you went to school with texted an old group chat saying she was inviting your graduated grade to a party. She lived at a fairly large place, you told me. It wasn't like a mansion, but it was big enough to hold the number of kids in your old class.

Geoff, Jawn, and Otto would come with us to the party, as they were a part of the group chat as well. They would all bring their girlfriends, as the girl, who was named Cathleen, said whoever was in the group chat could bring whoever they want, as long as they weren't any trouble.

That night I was planning out an outfit with you. You decided to wear something casual, but I didn't want to dress down. If I was to have a first impression, it needed to be a good one. With a skirt and a long-sleeved, thin white shirt, I checked myself out in the mirror. I tucked in my shirt and added suspenders.

"Is this all right?" I asked. You sat on my bed, watching me get dressed. You stood up, hugging me from behind as I looked in the mirror. Your hands touched the cold chain around my neck, pulling out the necklace you got me for my birthday out of my shirt and laid it on my chest.

"You always look beautiful." You pecked my neck, your hands resting on my stomach. "Can we go now?"

I grabbed my small backpack only filled with my camera. This night was going to be one I wanted to remember. "Yeah, let's go."

The other boys would already have arrived. When we pulled up to the house, we realized that there were more people than we originally thought; we had to park in your driveway. The streets were flooded with teenagers breaking adulthood, laughing at their friends.

Once again, Grace couldn't make it, as she got grounded again for sneaking out to be with Otto. This scene wasn't really for Chloe, so she didn't tag along. Although, Daphne loves these kinds of parties, and was beyond excited to go with Jawn.

The music inside was blasting my eardrums it was so loud. A playlist for the Top 40 was being played on the speakers, begging to be changed to something better. If I found this music repulsive, that wouldn't stop the hundred of nineteen-year-olds from jumping and shouting the lyrics.

Everyone separated from us, as they went to find their other friends from high school. You let me stick right by you since I knew no one here. Instead of being glued to you, I went off to find myself a drink.

"I never thought Awsten would find a girlfriend," a girl said. She was pouring herself some alcohol into a red cup. "He was always too nervous to talk to any girl, no matter if he liked them or not." She leaned her back on the counter, taking a sip of her drink.

I poured myself the rest of the alcohol, downing it right away. Watching this girl go into a cupboard and pull out another bottle of alcohol let me know she's the one who's running this party: Cathleen.

"He was nervous with me for some time. It took him some time to realize that him being nervous wouldn't get us anywhere." I explained that I had to make the first move, as you were scared of ruining things. "Hey, mind if I take a picture?" I gestured to the counter crowded with empty cups. She nodded, confused at first.

"Do you keep these pictures?" She asked, refilling her cup once again and sipping it this time.

I positioned the camera to a good angle and took the picture. This would be the first ever party I've really been to, so I had to take a picture. "Awsten and I have a pile of pictures with things we've done together." I buried both the camera and the picture into my bag.

"That's cute," she said, drinking the last drops of her drink. "Wanna dance with me?" Before I could answer, she had already grabbed my hand. She placed her cup on the counter and ran out of the kitchen with me.

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