As been promised yesterday, Daiki waits for Aiko near the park. He arrived a little early today. He's looking at his watch, he is early for 10 minutes today.

Daiki walk to fence that is height as same as his waist. Then, he sit on the fence while waiting for her. He take out his phone to see if there're any incoming message or any missed call. None.

10 minutes later, he saw Aiko walking towards him across the road. He quickly jumped off the fence and walk to the front gate, wait for Aiko.

"Eh, how long have you waited for me Dai-chan?" ask Aiko when she saw her friend already there, waiting for her.

"Half an hour." he said with slumber face.

"Eh, seriously? Isn't we promised to meet at 8 am?" Aiko feeling guilty for making him to wait for that long.

"Hahaha. I'm just kidding Aiko. Just 10 minutes. I'm arrived early today." he chuckled when he saw Aiko face. He loves seeing that guilty face.

"That's still long." she said.

"Em, where are we going today? Why are you wearing so casual today? With just a shirt and shoes." Daiki asked when he saw Aiko's style today. Usually she would wear dress or at least blouse when they going out together.

"It is a secret, let's go or we will be late! I'm gonna show you a place and I am sure that you will love it." she said before holding Daiki's hand.

Daiki is shock when Aiko suddenly holding his hand. It's not that they never done that, but maybe his feeling make the situation feels a little awkward. Daiki quickly shake his head. To make the thought go away from his head.

No, Daiki! Stop that feeling. - he said to himself. 

They walk to an unfamiliar place for him. The place is not to far for their college, so they can go there by walking. That is what Aiko said to him. He just nodding and follow her wherever she go.

After 30 minutes of walking, they arrive a place that seems like a woods. This place is near to housing area. And it looks like a place where people from here usually go because it already equipped with lights, walkway, and others.

"Why are we here?" Daiki suddenly ask when they start to enter the woods.

"Just follow me." she reply without looking at his face. Daiki just nodding.

After another 20 minutes of walking and climbing of stairs, they finally arrived at the peak.

"Why don't you tell me that we will do climbing today? Look at my shoes." Daiki said while showing his muddy shoe to Aiko.

Aiko chuckles when she saw Daiki pouting because his shoe got dirty today.

"Why are you laughing?" Daiki ask when he saw Aiko chuckles while seeing him try to clean up the mud with tissues that he brings in his bag.

"You are so cute when you pouting like that. Let me take a picture as memory." she said before taking photos of Daiki while he cleaning his shoe with his pouting face.

She chuckles when she looking at the photos. He looks like a little boy when he cleaning his shoe while blabbering.

"Are you done?" she ask to Daiki.

"Surely not. These mud won't go." he said, disappointed.

"Hahaha. Okay, okay. I will help you later. Come, I want to show you the place." she said.

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