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Aiko's POV

It has been 4 years since Daiki died. I have finished my studies last year and start to work in Tokyo. Since then, everything is like a battle to me. Moving along the time which seems to run very fast. It is not that I want to forget my past, but I didn't want to keep feeling sad if I stays in my hometown. I'm regularly going back to my hometown. To visit my family and Daiki's family too. 

4 years ago, everyone seems like hard to move from the fact that Daiki is gone. But, today everyone seems to move forward. It is not we already forget him. But, the one who live need to move forward. My father will be retired next month, while Mr Arioka already retired from his job last month. I heard both them want to start a business after this. Aoi, my little sister, started her first year in college last year. She is taking the same course as Daiki. She said, everyone there, seniors, lecturers and staff known him and always praising him. She feels proud a little bit about it. And not to forget, Daisuke, Daiki's brother, he had married 2 years ago. They had a baby boy last year. Guess what? He really looks like Daiki. Especially the chubby cheeks, just like Daiki. Everyone loves him.

I'm going home today since it is my birthday. As usual, I will celebrate my birthday here with my family and Daiki's family. I'm glad that our relationship still continue even after he gone.

I decided to drive on my own today although Takaki insist to send me. Yes, I can believe he's still waiting for me until I'm finished my studies. This relationship just started as I start my job in Tokyo. As I known before, he's still a reliable person. And he knows about my feelings towards Daiki before and decides to be a friend with me until he proposed to me again last year.

As I arrived at my home, I put all my bags in my rooms before going out again with small paper bag. I drove my car to a place that I haven't go for a long time, my school. I parked my car inside the school. I meet a few teacher that still recognized my face even it has been a long time.

I walk towards the library and headed to the  a row rack that unusual use by the student. The library is empty, just me. I start searching the books and finally saw them. I pull out 2 books and brought it to the table. I put the paper bag on table and take out a letter. It is a letter that written by Daiki, 4 years ago. I open the letter again and re-read it.

Hi Aiko,

I don't know how should I start this letter. I'm sucks at writing. First of all is HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIKO! Hahaha, I know, I should say it to you face to face. I bet I must have done it before you read this. So, this is just introduction of my letter.

Actually, this is not a 'Happy Birthday Letter'. It is a confession letter. Yes, confession. I want to confess to you. Aiko, you know, I have known you since we're child. I don't know when this feelings start but I must admit it. I start to like you. Or maybe I should say, I start to love you.

Ah, this is so embarrassing.

You know, actually, I want to confess to you went we enter college. But, when I knew you start to going out Takaki, I cancel my plan. Yeah, sorry. Because I think I am no one compare to him. But I feel challenged when I knew he wants to confess to you. And more, when he asked me to give the present to you. Actually, I don't want to it. Hey, aren't you feel threatened when your enemy start to make a move? Ah, sorry for my bad behavior.

Okay, okay. Let me straight to do point. Aiko Suzuki, would you be mine? If yes, please wear this necklace and meet me at usual place. If not, just take this necklace. Don't worry, it is my present for your birthday. You like it right? Yeah, I remember how much you like it. Hehehe.

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