ch. 8

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"God gave you the perspective of life so that you can stand up for yourself. Misfortune is all around, we all have to deal with it. It's the obstacles of life that show the courage you feel" ....


There I stood; interrupted mid-sentence and mouth hanging open. Annoyed that I cannot finish what I'm been meaning to say. I look the individual I was talking to in the eye then walk out of the corridor. Our conversation wasn't even interesting at the moment but just being interrupted was rude. I was raised to wait patiently until they stop talking. Zach answers the persons question then comes running after me. Yes, I, Audrey has finally received the courage I've been waiting for and went to talk to Zach while buying Walden some more bedding and food. The corridor I left had all what I needed. It was a massive pet store.

"Hey, sorry about that, that was my boss."

"It's fine, but back to my question. Would you like to go to the movies with me? I asked hopefully."

Zach smiled, teeth showing and eyes full of excitement. "Yeah, that'd be nice, but I'm paying for everything. Okay?"

"All right, that's cool. Here's my number, you can text me whenever you'd like."

"Thanks, I will probably text you after I get off work, is that okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine. You know my name right? Did I tell you? Oh my god, I'm an idiot. It's Audrey."

"Like Audrey Hepburn right? My mom was in love with her."

"Hepburn is my idol."

"I like your name, it's fits you. Well, I have to get back to work. I'll text you later Audrey."

"Bye Zach."


I finally asked Zach to the movies. Shit! I forgot to buy Walden's things! I'll buy his stuff tomorrow. He won't starve, he still has food.

"SUSIE! Guess what?!" I exclaim.

"What happened?"

"I got a date with the guy from the pet store and I asked him but he said he was going to pay, which is totally fine with me."

"Well, congratulations Audrey, when are y'all going?"

"I'm not sure, he's going to text me after he gets off work."

"Is he cute? Tell me the details and what his face looks like."

"Okay, well. He's very attractive. He has a very prominent jawline, brown shiny hair, which looks so soft, he wears it covering his forehead but swooped. He's quite tall, I would say 5'9. His cheeks are also a rosy color and he's going on a date with me soon."

"Sounds like you've got some preparation to do."

"What do you mean?"

"When the time comes around, obviously you have to fix up. That's all I meant."

"Scared me for a second there. Thinking I need to change and shit."

"You don't need to change. Ever. Not for anyone."

"Thanks Susie."

"You're welcome, now get out so I can sleep before I remind you of all my wild days with the cute waiters back in the day."

"Oh god, those are some memorable days, you're hilarious."


I head back to my room and let Walden onto my bed. He's so damn scared right now. Staying still and not moving an inch. It doesn't even look like he's breathing. He is. I lay back onto my comforters and put Walden on my stomach; petting him.

It's about six-thirty pm and I receive a text, assuming it's from Zach.

"Hey" it read.

I text back instantly. "I'm assuming this is Zach?"


"Cool, well what movie do you want to pay for?"

"Hm, let me think."

"I enjoy horror films by the way."

"Well, makes it easy, so do I. You know what Audrey?"


"It's going to be a surprise, maybe I'm being cliché but this surprise will be like no other."

"Oh, really? I'm counting on you."

"I've got to go, but, love, just remember, you'll always remember me."

"Well, uhm, I think I already will remember you because before I asked you out I gawked at you from afar. But bye!"


Well, I hope to get to know him better. He seems kind of creepy by saying "I'll always remember him" but I'm creepy too, sooo.. It's all good.

I finally put a tired Walden back into his cage and decide to go to bed; thinking of good times and certain hands roaming my body which I've already fallen for.


Hey guys. Sorry if this sucks. I'm hopeful that y'all enjoy my book. Feedback would be wonderful and yes, Zach is strange but he's cute and weird like Audrey. I would upload a picture to how Zach and Van look like but I don't have a computer. I'm on my iPad. Sorry but here's chapter 8. This story will progress. Just be patient. Thank you.


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