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hey ladies & gents. i don't know how often i'm going to update but i'm going to always try to have 2 unpublished chapters, just in case i don't have any time within a long period of time to write, so that i'll still be able to deliver. all the love, please enjoy. also if i could fly just started playing while i was writing this so that hurt but whatever i guess.

louis' pov

I looked around what should have been a completely clean classroom, but there were colorful toys scattered all over the floor. I looked over at the large bookshelves and empty boxes that should have been filled with the toy trains and various colored shapes. All the kids had left without cleaning up their mess, which wasn't unusual, but annoying nonetheless. But how upset could you get with toddlers?

I started to pick up each object and placed it in its designated spot. When the floor was no longer covered in toys, I walked across the colorful play room and into my office. I looked at the little picture on my desk of the day I signed to buy the rights to the Little Paradise Daycare, and was then officially the owner of the building. It of course wasn't all my money, and a few family members had chipped in, I was just happy it was a success. I never felt anything was fun for me, career wise. I left college after 1 year because it drove me insane to not have a plan. I majored in psychology, and wasn't even remotely interested in those career options, but working with toddlers and getting to see them so happy, made me happy.

I got up out of my boring old office and into the main lobby of the daycare building. I looked around at the group of employees, all of them looking as tired as ever, in a constant state of wonder how I was managing to be so happy and perky all the time. My friend, employee, Cam, turned around "Lou!"

I smiled and approached the circle of off-duty preschool teachers and essential babysitters. They all smiled with hellos, I was the facility owner after all. They could all genuinely want to set me on fire and still smile to me. I signed their checks most of the time.

"How was today? I'm just dropping in for a bit." I asked. I usually wouldn't be at the actual building much, just a couple times a week to check on things. I was very busy right now, trying to get hold of other property, in the process of getting bank loans, lots of extra work, but I currently had my eyes set on a building that currently served as a tattoo shop, and I would most likely keep the facility under that. Just getting the building was extremely hard due to money.

"It was fine, same old, same old." A girl in pink said across from me. She was only 16, but I could tell that this was more than just a seasonal job, and she enjoyed it.

"I had a good day actually." A girl in blue said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"That one little girl, one has the pigtails everyday, Sophia." She began. I immediately pictured the small girl. She was extremely shy and longed for her parents everyday that one of them would drop her off on their way to work. "I got her to play with the other kids."

The circle of employees cooed with awhs and I nodded with a smile. "I'm sure it felt great." She nodded back in return. I turned to Cameron. "Are you done here? Ready to go home?" I asked him. Cam lived with me, or we lived together I should say. His dad had left him tons and tons of money before he had left him when he was about 19. Now Cameron was 21 and worked for me for fun. I contributed just as much money to our nice house, so that when one of use decided it was time to move out, it would be a fair moving process. But I think all Cam really cared about was where the next party he was going to was. And when that was his concern, then my concern was where the party was, since I would probably be his designated driver.

Cam nodded, "Yeah, I think I'm good. You?" He asked in return.

"Yeah, let's get going, need to get some stuff done at home and can't be too worried about where you are, party animal." I chuckled.

"It's a Wednesday, Lou, I only party a concerning amount on Fridays." He laughed back.

We waved and said our goodbyes to the rest of the employees. I had no concern that things wouldn't get done, they had all worked here so long, it wasn't too concerning. Cam and I walked out to my small car and got into the front two seats. I sat in the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition, turning it. As the car turned on, Cam started to fidget with the radio. Some random pop-sounding boyband came on, and I immediately muted it, getting bored of all the songs on the radio sounding the same.

"Hey!" Cam shouted, "I actually happen to like that song!"

"Get a better taste in music, then." I laughed at how offended he got over this.

"Shutup, like you could do any better?"

"I never said I could, just that that repetitive pop bullshit is hardly even music." I smirked, knowing I was going to annoy him very much, but that he wouldn't want to actually start an argument over it, as he would probably lose.

"I enjoy it." He mumbled.

"Maybe you're a 12 year old girl." I remarked, and he laughed at the joke.


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