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hi ladies. here's the tea if you like this fic please share, all i ever want to do is write & i would really love it if i could share it with everyone. even a vote helps people see it. thank you loves!

louis' pov

Pillows set up on the couch? Check. Bed made? Check. Dinner cooked? Check. I had cooked a small taco bar, and hoped that Harry would like it. He had asked to go out to dinner, but I figured sitting in for a first date would be better. However, as I began thinking about it, I don't think it was a date. I would treat it that way though, hopefully he didn't think it was weird.

I made sure that Cam would not be home until tomorrow, which he was perfectly okay with. I checked the time and just when I saw the 8:15 on my black Apple Watch, my doorbell rang. I walked over, putting my phone in my pocket - completely turned off - and opened up the door.

I stared out at the curly haired boy in front of me, "Hi." is all I could say.

"Hi." He smiled at me, and let himself in as I moved to the side for him. "What smells so good?" I saw him push his iPhone into his back pocket as he stopped walking and looked around.

"I made dinner. Tacos?" I said, hoping he would like them.

"You made dinner?" He asked, facing me now with a smile.

"Of course, you said you wanted food when we texted."

"I just didn't think this was gonna be very formal." I saw a small smirk come up at the corner of his lips.

"Oh?" I started, "What did you think this was going to be then?"

He walked closer to me and grabbed my hand, "I just thought we'd be having some more fun." He whispered.

I backed up a bit, "Well dinner, then we'll see how we feel?" I was hesitant, not knowing what his intentions were. He obeyed and followed me into the kitchen.

I began to make him a plate, looking down at all of the different options for the meal toppings. "What do you like?"

"Oh, I can make my own." He grabbed the second plate next to the stove. "Thank you though." He smiled.

I smiled in return and felt a bit of tension between us as I started to put the toppings onto the taco shell on my plate, and he did behind me.

"Sit at the dining table?" I asked him as he finished up, tension still between us.

"Let's make it more chill?" He whispered, acting a bit more shy than he did when he first came in. I hoped he didn't feel as awkward as I did.

"The couch? We can watch a movie? Talk?" I smiled as he nodded at me.

He followed me into my living room and I sat down, switching the TV onto the Netflix setting. I scrolled through some of my recent options as he sat on the couch, almost a foot from me.

"Friends? I love that show!" He exclaimed.

This sent a smile onto my face, "Do you want to watch Friends? Or some kind of movie?"

"I really enjoy that show, and it will be easy to talk, if that's what you want to do." He said quietly again.

I clicked on Friends, starting in the middle of the fifth season. I picked up the taco in front of me, watching him already have eaten about half of his meal. I heard him giggle at a joke, and I turned around to face him. I saw his face flush red at the small laugh.

"Sorry." He said at a normal volume again, with a small smile.

I smiled back, "It's okay, why would you be sorry?"

"Because I sound like a dork." He laughed and I laughed with him.

"You don't."

He smiled at me.

When we both finished our plates we completely tuned out the TV show that was playing in the background of our conversation.

"So are you taking any college classes?" He asked me. "I figured you were around my age."

"I'm 21, but I'm not taking any classes, nor will I be taking any."

"Oh, I'm only 19." He laughed. "What do you do if you're not in college?" He asked as he pulled his legs up onto the couch, his sandals had already been off from before.

I watched as he made himself cozy, still a bit of a gap between where we both sat. "I own the building of the daycare a couple miles out."

"Don't you need a degree to manage businesses though?" He asked in confusion, putting his arms around his knees and leaning sideways on the back of the couch.

I slickly turned my whole body towards him, pulling my legs onto the couch a bit, but still letting them hang off. "I said I owned it, not that I managed it - somebody else is manger."

He gave a face of understanding and looked around the house. "You're clearly successful." He said with awe on his face.

"You could say that."

He scooted closer to me, the gap now gone. "Can I ask you something?" He said.

"Yeah, of course."

"Is this a date?"

I laughed a bit under my breath. "If you want it to be. I was completely unsure myself."

"I don't think I want it to be. I think it should just be us hanging out, you know?"

I nodded. It hurt a bit to take in that he didn't want it to be a date - but it could have meant many things.

He put an arm around me and pulled me in closer, laughing at the screen. "I love this episode."

I smiled, pressing my head into the crease of his shoulder and neck. I looked up at him and he was smiling. "So why not a date?" I asked, still confused.

"Is it so important?" He whispered.

I nodded, "What else would this be? We're cuddling on the couch right now."

He placed a hand on my knee and pulled me even closer. I watched as his eyes closed and he leaned towards me. I did the same and felt his lips press against mine. I didn't deny them at first, but then pulled back. "What did you come here for?" I whispered.


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