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hey angelllllllllllll. do you know the reasons why, we look up to the sky? sorry, just got excited because that song just started playing. comment your favorite song from made in the am. all the love, please enjoy chapter five. don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

harry's pov

I sat up in my room and began to style my hair. I sat on the ground in front of my full body mirror, wearing a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I looked in the mirror with a brush and some hair gel close by and started messing around with the big mess of curl on my head.

"Jacob, what time is it?" I shouted, as Jay was in the bathroom, and I didn't know if he would be able to hear me.

"6:40." He shouted back, "We're leaving at 7:15, do not take forever."

"I won't, I won't." I groaned at him.

"You said that last time, and I was 20 minutes late to a party."

"Yes, Jay, I'm sure that effected you so much while you were hammered off your ass." I laughed a bit at my own remark.

"Whatever," He scoffed, jokingly. "Play some music."

"One sec, dickhead. What kind?"

"Whatever helps you do your hair faster." He said. I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

I sat down the hair brush and pushed my hair back out of my face. I grabbed my phone and opened up Apple Music, looking for my playlist that I had labeled, kissy. The name began to sound weird, although it was just my everyday music, nothing special - I just had no other names off the top of my head when I had made the playlist.

I plugged in my phone to our speaker with an AUX cable and hit the shuffle button at the top of the playlist, then turned my phone off as Eastside by Halsey began to play. I started to hum along to Khalid's singing, and picked the brush back up.

I began messing with my hair again, whispering the words along to the song. When Halsey's part in the song began I heard Jacob begin to jokingly shout the lyrics, in a funny yet almost obnoxious tone.

"Shutup please." I shouted as I laughed.

He then proceeded to scream the lyrics louder, causing me to roll my eyes.

After 20 more minutes of fucking with my hair, I finally ended up getting frustrated and just throwing a red, white, and blue bandanna into it, pushing it out of my face but still showcasing my curls. I stood up from in front of the full body mirror, looking around my jeans and brushing off any dust that had attached itself while I was sitting on the ground.

"Are you ready yet, Jay?" I asked. He had been in the bathroom for ages now, sticking his hair up in the front but making sure it wasn't to messy, but I guess I couldn't complain.

"Yeah," he said and I looked down at my phone. I had unplugged it from the speaker and stopped the music playing now. It was now about 7 sharp and I was ready to go, slipping on a pair of white and black converse to pair nicely with my white and black outfit.

He walked out of the bathroom, looking essentially the exact same as he did when he went into the bathroom 45 minutes ago. "Where'd you get the bandanna? No fair."

"I had to get it for some parade or something last year, buy your own, I'm sure they'll be selling some tonight. It's literally an America-celebrating festival."

He groaned. "Can we just go? You driving?" He asked me.

I held up my kings and shook them, creating a jingling noise for a moment. "I'm ready if you are."

I watched him slip on some black and white Nike shoes and put on a jacket. We walked out into the familiar hallway and walked towards the elevator. "Wallet? Phone?" I said to myself and Jacob checked himself for those items too. Neither of us were missing anything, and we hit the down button next to the doors of the elevator.

Okay so this was kind of short but here's the tea is the next chapter or two I plan on being very long so I hope that's okay. Please vote, comment, and share. All the love.

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