twenty three

37 2 1

loving the votes this story is getting - keep it up! ps: have you guys been watching the x factor? if so, who are you rooting for - personally i really, really love brendan & misunderstood. let me know here who you like!

Harry's POV

I stood next to Lou as he rented us an alley and some shoes. I smiled at him, watching as he smiled when he talked, and how polite he always was. I wasn't one to get into relationships, but I could get used to being around him a lot more often.

"What size shoes?" The darker man on the other side of the counter asked.

"Nine." Louis said first, then turned to me.

"Eleven." I said and snickered at Louis. The darker man walked back into the large closet of shoes and I looked back to Louis?

"What is so funny?" He whispered, giggling a bit.


"Hey, hey. Pipe down, an eleven?" He mimicked me.

"You know what they say - big feet," I was cut off by the man sitting the shoes in front of us on the counter. Louis had already paid, and we each took a pair of shoes in our hands, walking over to bowling alley number 6.

Louis looked over to me, "Big feet, big shoes?"

I blushed. "Definitely, definitely." I mumbled with a smirk. I sat down in the red chair in front of the alley and took off my gym shoes. I slipped on the ugly bowling shoes that we had, and looked next to me where Louis was sat. He put his hand on my knee to balance himself enough to put on his shoes. I laughed. "So little you can't even balance yourself?"

"Give me a break, I'm big!" He exclaimed.

"I wasn't complaining, I like how tiny you are." I watched as he began to smile.

I put on my other shoe and watched as Lou finished tying his own. I looked at his sparkling blue eyes when he smiled to me again, standing up next to me. I looked down at him, "I am about to absolutely kick your ass." He said, looking up to me.

I laughed a bit, "No way, I'm a bowling god. I live and breathe for bowling. Never gonna beat me in a million years."

"When's the last time you bowled, Sunshine?"

"Years ago, Boobear. But I can surely still kick your little five foot ass."

He rolled his eyes at that and picked up a bowling ball. "Should I go first?" He asked, our names already on the small TV as Haz and Lou. I nodded at him and motioned for him to go ahead. He took off his denim jacket and sat it down on the red chair. He approached the alley and rolled the ball. It hit a pin towards the right of them and knocked down about half.

I laughed. "Nice one, I could do better."

I walked up and stood next to him as he took the ball back and rolled it again, knocking the rest of the pins down. I looked down at him and he turned to me, "I think I've got this, Styles."

"Sure, Lou." I picked up the next ball to come out and stood next to him at the top of the long alley. I rolled the ball quickly and it knocked down all the standing pins in one hit. He chuckled a bit at me, his laugh working as music to my ears. I smiled just at the wonderful noise.

"You've got me, but we've still got two more rounds to go, Haz. Don't get cocky."

"Haz is a new one." I stated as I watched him pick up his next ball, green this time.

"Do you not like it?" He started nervously. "Because I don't have to call you that, I just thought it might be cute. Do you prefer Sunshine? Because you're still a sunshine to me." I leaned in to kiss him, but he had leaned in just as far. We shared a short kiss and the moment we released each other, he threw the ball down the long alley, watching as he knocked down only four pins.

I giggled. "Oh, shut up." He said back.

"Sorry, love, sorry." I said and I put an arm on his shoulder. He moved his hand to my arm and traced it with his fingers.

I saw him blush red and I felt the heat in his cheeks for him. I rolled the next ball, finishing off the first round of the night, and knocked out all of the pins in one roll.

"I'll come back this next round." He said.

"Sure you will, Boobear." I put an arm around his waist and pulled him in closer to me, "Sure you will."

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