twenty six

46 4 0

Hi guys! Sorry updating takes me forever, I've just been very busy with school and stuff. Anyway, I saw Bohemian Rhapsody last night and it was amazing. I recommend it to literally everyone.

Louis' POV

I went home happy. I fell asleep happy. I woke up happy. I couldn't help but grin like an idiot every time I thought about it. Harry was my boyfriend. It might have seemed sudden, but the spark was there, and I knew I wanted more than just a couple fucks and a date. I had had so much fun last night, and I was happy to treat him. I thought the bowling might have seemed dorky, but he seemed to like it - which made me glad.

When I had gotten home, Cam had made some comment about me grinning like an idiot. I believed him. I couldn't help but smile when I had such a perfect boyfriend. Boyfriend. The word still sounded crazy to me - I loved it. I decided I couldn't go until the afternoon to talk to him, so I texted him when I woke up around 9. I figured he would be awake as we didn't stay out very late. At least I hoped he was awake, I couldn't go much longer without talking to him.

L: Good morning love. I had typed quickly. Within the minute, he had replied.

H: Good morning baby. The word baby at the end of the text made me melt inside.

L: sleep well?

H: slept fine, you?

L: slept great, thinking of my new boyfriend I smiled down at the phone as I typed the words. Sounded cliche, sounded boring, but it made me happy - and I hoped it would make him just as happy. I wanted nothing but happiness for him.

H: how is he? Is he nice?

L: he's perfect. He's kind, funny, and has this gorgeous curly hair.

H: sounds familiar, would I know him?

L: I wouldn't think so We joked is a cheesy manner for hours before the clock finally hit 5 pm. I had been cleaning the house all day, trying to make it nice enough for Hazza. When I finally decided it was nice enough for him, I laid down on my couch and rang his number on Facetime.

When he answered, his face appeared on my screen, but only from his nose up.

"Hi, Lou." He said, but I couldn't see his mouth.

"Hi, love, what are you doing?" I asked in regards to him only showing half his face.

"I just look a mess, figured you only needed my eyes to speak to anyway." He gave a small chuckle at himself.

"Show me, I'm sure you look fine." He rolled his eyes at this and panned his phone down enough for me to be able to see his entire face. There was nothing wrong with his appearance at all. I had no idea what he had been referring to. I saw that he had stubble around his chin, that was a lot more noticeable than I thought it would be within only a few hours of seeing his freshly shaved face.

"Growing a beard, then, Haz?" I joked.

He rolled his eyes. "It's fake. I don't like it."

"Why not? I think it's kind of cute." I said with a smile and positioned myself on the couch to be more comfortable.

"I hate it, I feel like a lumberjack." He laughed which made me smile. That little giggle of his lit up my world like nothing else. "They did some stage makeup this morning at rehearsal."

"Oh, I forgot. When is that? I'd love to come see it." I mentioned. I saw a look of slight surprise, or maybe fear, come onto his face.

"Oh, you don't have to do that. It's embarrassing."

"Then why are you doing it?"

"I have fun." He said quietly.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed of something that's making you happy, Harry. I'd love to come see it, when is the show?" I encouraged him.

"This weekend." he mumbled.

"And you really didn't mention anything? That's awesome! I'll be there."

"Oh, please. It's nothing big anyway."

"My little Hazza, up on the stage." I joked. "In bright lights, singing his heart out." I added in a sing-song voice.

"Did you call me to make fun of my hobbies or to invite me over?" He laughed a bit, which made me feel okay about joking with him.

"Oh, yeah!" I exclaimed. "DId you want to come over here again? I can come get you if you need."

"No, I'm okay. My car's just in the parking lot. She hasn't been used in almost a week, I think she deserves it." He joked.

"Okay, love. When will I see you? And what movie do you want to watch?"

"I'll be over as soon as I wash off this facial hair." He laughed, "You pick a movie. Surprise me."

"Okay, love. I'll see you within the hour?"

He nodded. "Goodbye, for now."

"Goodbye." I added and he ended the call, his face disappearing from my screen. I looked down at myself in the moment and realized I was wearing gym shorts. I looked less than presentable and wouldn't accept that. I quickly made my way upstairs to change, hoping he would be here soon.

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