[Welcome Host]

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[Transfer complete. Welcoming new host.]

After those words were said, the system immediately took Iris' soul, completely leaving Iris' lifeless body on her apartment to rot. Her soul was then placed on the Void, a place located between life and afterlife. Suitable for souls like Iris' whose body has died but its soul still needed to live.

The Void is a white space completely devoid of anything. And this is exactly the place that Iris was greeted with when she opened her eyes again.

"Am I in heaven?" Iris asked herself.

[Welcome Host.]

Not expecting someone to answer her, Iris immediately looked around her trying to find the source of the voice. A shudder ran up her spine seeing that no one was with her. To be more specific, nothing was with her in the space. The only thing that she could see is an endless white.

Seeing that she was alone, Iris was left with no choice but to ask, trying to test if what she heard earlier was just her imagination, "Who are you? Or more specifically, what are you?"

[Host, I am called MT-H02. My two previous hosts nicknamed me Little Two.]

[As for what am I, I am known as a system. Tasked to assist and guide the host that is assigned by the Administrators.]

Iris couldn't help but to let out a small yelp when the voice she heard earlier answered her again. After a few minutes, she composed herself and tried to calmly assess the situation.

"Um, can you tell me what are you again?"

[I'm a system, host.]

With a look of absolute confusion, Iris asked another question, "What is a system?"

[Systems are machine-like beings made by the Creator to correct worlds that have caused problems. And because we don't have a body, the Creator assigned Administrators to choose a human from different worlds to help systems and act as their vessel. But, it is up to the human's capabilities if he/she will be able to fix the problem. The Creator decided to do this as a payback for humans not treating their worlds properly. We, systems, only act as a guide to our hosts.]

[But, to also compensate for humans loosing their lives, they will be given a wish that the Creator will fulfill. If, only if, the host manages to complete the missions and tasks given to him/her and is able to accumulate enough points.]

"Can I refuse?"

[No. The contract between us is already formed right after the Administrators has chosen you as my host. And if you want to breach the contract, it will only result to your total annihilation, host. It's best to just accept your situation.]

"Okay." Iris nodded solemnly.

[Do you need some minute to process your situation right now, host? I mean, you are too eerily calm for this.]

Though it isn't the first time that the system saw someone react so calmly, as this is exactly what happened to its previous two hosts, nevertheless the system decided to ask just in case.

Iris couldn't help but chuckle, "I was actually nervous and scared earlier."

[It was not obvious on your facial expressions, host.]

"Must be because I was raised to be always calm whatever the situation i'm facing. I was born in a family full of doctors. And to pass down the legacy of the family, my parents decided to train me at an early age to control my emotions to help me become the best surgeon." Iris said with a shrug.

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