Chapter Six: Golden Eyes

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"Master, he's at it again."

A man clothed in all black immediately reported after stealthily entering the crown prince's office. His name is Shadow and is the leader of his highness' personal guards. He had watched over his master ever since his master took him in from the slums.

And all these years of following him, this is the first time Shadow saw his master smiling gently while looking at a folder. The usual smile he would give is either fake or cold. But this one is gentle and warm.

The man behind the mahogany desk looked at the folder in his hands and couldn't help but think about his interaction earlier with his kitten, Serenity. The woman he couldn't stop thinking about.

"Ask Ebony to watch over him closely," He said while putting down the folder, his gentle smile is now replaced by his usual bone chilling one, "While you are going to investigate my teacher's granddaughter, Serenity Merle Lockett."

"Sir Viktor's granddaughter?"

"Yes. I should have it this evening. And also get me a list of people applying to be the Royal Tutor."

Shadow, despite his master's weird actions, can only nod his head and follow his orders. This is the first time master want him to investigate a person. And that person is a woman!

It's not that master has severe mysophobia, unlike the third prince, his master just don't really bother with them cause he find them a nuisance. Sure he is kind and gentle around them but Shadow knew that is only a facade to manipulate them easily.

If the third prince is a black belly man parading as a good for nothing, then his master, the crown prince, is a cunning fox disguised as a gentleman.

"Also, in a few days Serenity would be accompanying me to help me with this project. And everytime that I am with her, you should address me as Adonis Valentine, a young scholar. Not Ambrose Valiant, the crown prince."

Shadow nodded, only now his curiosity and suspicions about the girl only grew. Who was the girl that his master allowed her to help him with this project?

And that said girl is currently lounging in her room back in her home in Aurora, reading the books her grandfather gave her to help her with the test tomorrow. The test in search for the new Royal Tutor.

Usually, Serenity wouldn't have bothered with this test because the title could be passed down onto her, seeing that she is the only descendant of the Lockett Family. But Serenity doesn't want that.

What she is doing now is already helping her change her bad fate. She would've been already assigned as the new Royal Tutor if she hadn't convinced her grandfather earlier to tell the king that she would take the test so that it would be fair to other scholars.

Which means less people will doubt her skills and would stop thinking that she only got the job because she used her family name. In which the previous Serenity wasn't able to do so, thus leading to her tarnished reputation.

"System, do you have any information about Adonis Valentine?" Serenity couldn't help but ask.

Ever since she met Adonis earlier she couldn't stop thinking about his role in this world. To have that kind of top notch looks means that he could be the second male lead or an important hidden character.

[Why do you ask, host?]

"I just have this feeling that he has an important role to play. His looks, his intelligence, his bearing, that kind of high quality man could be the crown prince!"

The system started to feel nervous. His host is just too sharp, too observant. It didn't even took her a day and she is already questioning his identity and is on to something.

"But it's impossible that he is the crown prince. Both he and the prince's names are different."

The system felt a bit better after hearing what his host just said. She almost got him there. And if she were to look more closely into this topic, he would surely be exposed.

[How about you focus more on studying for the test tomorrow, okay? I'll gather the information you're asking for.]

The system said, trying to change the topic and to get Serenity's mind off the issue about Adonis. The system immediately logged off, scared that his host would ask more questions.

Serenity only nodded and focused more on studying. Due to this, she wasn't able to notice the system's weird attitude.

And on the other side of things, a certain guard is also having trouble with its master's weird attitude. The said guard is Shadow and is currently seated on a tree near Serenity's house, quietly observing her.

He had already gathered information about Serenity and now his master asked him to follow and observe her. The reason? To learn more about the said girl.

The information he gathered is so simple and basic that his master asked him to observe her for a while to know her likes and dislikes. Shadow really feel like he just became a stalker.

Serenity turned her head to look outside the window. Ever since she stepped into the house, she has that nagging feeling of being watched. And her gut feeling is always on point that it scares her a little bit.

So Serenity pretended to look at the houses and the people outside so that the person in the tree wouldn't be alerted. Yes, Serenity immediately noticed the person watching her. And she could tell that although this person does not have any bad intention towards her, the man is not simple.

Meanwhile, Shadow noticed how the girl sweeped her gaze around the area he is in. He suddenly felt a shiver went down his spine when a pair of bright golden eyes stared back at his dark ones.

"What are your intentions?" Serenity whispered but Shadow perfectly heard it because of his heightened senses.

Shadow stared in shock at the girl looking straight back at him. How did she became aware of his presence? He perfectly hid it! Only people who are on a much level higher than him can detect him. And to think that this girl, who doesn't even practice martial arts, was able to spot him immediately made him aware of the situation he is in.

Shadow immediately disappeared from his spot much to Serenity's shock. Those sharp eyes darted to different directions as if trying to find him. It's a good thing that Shadow was able to hide in a more hidden spot than before.

He tried to calm down his breathing as he remembered the girl's eyes. Those bright golden eyes that resembles a black jaguar. It shocked him to the core knowing how sharp and keen the girl is.

"Better report this to master."


Character Profile:

Character Profile:Shadow

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