Chapter Eighteen: Petty Revenge

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[Host, are you sure you're going to do this?]

Why not? I'm a really petty person, if given the chance i'll take revenge.

[You were tasked to help them change their attitude and overcome their fears, not... this!]

I don't care. Revenge first, side mission later.


On a fine morning, three princes are blissfully unaware of the trouble slowly approaching them.

The said harbinger of trouble is currently being guided to the library by a personal attendant of the king. Despite having already been there yesterday Serenity couldn't be bothered to memorize the direction to the place. Serenity is currently wearing a gray long sleeved dress with an oversized knitted pink sweater to overlay it. Clothes so casual that it contrasts the image of the grand palace and the formal attire of all the servants and official.

Inside a brown satchel she is carrying are three similar average clothes, all part of her plan. After thinking of a startegy last night, Serenity finally came up with a plan that is sure to teach those three princes a lessons. Of course, other than taking her revenge on them Serenity also plan them to learn something along the way from this excursion.

With a firm knock on the library's doors by the attnedant caused Serenity to snap out of her reverie and prepare herself both mentally and physically. Though a bit exaggerated, Serenity this time will not underestimate the princes and their power to annoy her.

"You may enter young miss."

Serenity entered calmly, her brown boots making a sound against the polished wooden floor successfully gaining the attention of the three princes that are about to doze off.

The first one to react was Everett, with a disdained snort he asked tauntingly, "It seems you don't plan on giving up?"

Expecting to get a reaction from her, Everett was disappointed when he saw Serenity staring back calmly. He couldn't help but scrutinize her and was surprised to know that Serenity is different today.

Yesterday he could tell she was easily angered by them eventhough she tried to hide it as Everett could see her golden eyes literally almost lighting up with fury. But now, she was much more calm, like the calm before the storm.

"First lesson for today. A king should protect his kingdom."

Everett rolled his eyes, "Why the need to state the obvious woman?"

Serenity only ignored him and looked at Winston who has his hand raised.

"Why should a king protect his kingdom?" Winston asked dumbly, trying to look ignorant but Serenity only smiled brightly. She actually expected Winston to ask this question and this gave her the cue to start initiating her plans.

"Glad you ask," Serenity then opened her satchel and gave each of the princes commoner clothes she prepared last night, "Please change into these. Instead of answering the question i'll just show it instead, your highnesses."

"Do you think we'll listen to you? Who are you to order us around? Huh, woman?" Everett ask while he threw the clothes on to the ground.

Serenity was not bothered by this, instead she let out a smile indicating that she's on to something.

"Well, you have to listen to me, if not..."

Later that morning, Serenity did something to the three princes that caused them to follow her orders docilely. The four of them are currently inside a carriage heading towards Elysian, where most of the commoners live.

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