Chapter Five: Adonis

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Adonis thought while looking at the nervous girl seated in front of him. To think that this said girl is also the cause of him to space out earlier due to surprise.

The reason Adonis decided to visit his old teacher was to ask opinions about the school he is planning to build. Never did he once thought that this simple visit would result to him meeting his teacher's famed granddaughter. The girl teacher wouldn't stop talking about.

He really didn't expect what his teacher said all these years were true. Adonis expected Serenity to be beautiful but he didn't expect she would be that beautiful. Her type of beauty could cause a country's downfall. And that's saying something knowing how Adonis' cousin is hailed as the number one beauty in Valhaven.

Serenity's curly black locks cascaded down her back like waterfall. Her mesmerizing golden eyes that could capture any man's heart. That cute button nose that she would always scrunch up unconsciously. Her red luscious lips and that body that even his cousin couldn't hold a candle to.

So it was no exaggeration that Adonis got spaced out when his teacher introduced him to her.

Adonis even tried to give her a smile earlier, wanting her to have a good impression of him. He really did not expect for her to easily scrutinized him without even loosing her composure like he did earlier.

This hurt his ego a little bit. Not to sound narcisstic or anything but Adonis knows how handsome he is. He consider it a gift because he could sometimes use it to his advantage. But seeing how the woman reacted in front of him made him question his looks.

It's not his fault that Serenity is just too good at hiding her emotions. If he only knew how Serenity is internally berating herself for having indecent thoughts about the man in front of her.

"So, uhh, Mr. Valentine what is the proposal grandpa is talking about earlier?" Serenity asked, breaking the silence. She couldn't help but nervously rub the rim of the teacup she is holding.

Adonis smiled, "It's about the school i'm planning on building. Any thoughts?" He said while pushing the folder towards her.

Serenity grabbed the folder and scanned the contents inside. This man is definitely not simple. To think that in this era, this man is the one who thought of establishing the very first academy in Valhaven.

Academies are very common in other countries, especially in Galeas. The reason why Valhaven still doesn't have one despite it being a very developed and rich country it's because they lean to more traditional ways. And how he even managed to get the approval of the king on this project just speaks of his abilites.

"Why only nobles though? What about commoners? Don't they also have the right to learn?"

"Oh?" Adonis asked, intrigued by the girl's answer, "And why should that be?"

"Education reduces poverty, decreases social inequalities, empowers women and helps each individual reach their full potential. It also brings significant economic returns for a country and helps societies to achieve lasting peace and sustainable development. Education is key to achieving all other human rights*"

(*credits to g[][]gle)

Adonis is shocked by Serenity's answer. To think that she is able foresee the things that could benefit both the country and its citizens. Adonis realized that not only is she beautiful but also intelligent. This makes her more intriguing to Adonis.

"Oh? Then how about school supplies? Uniform? Food? This school aims for people of nobility how could common people afford to pay all of these?"

Serenity smiled, "Simple. Try building a school aimed for common folks. Or offer scholarships. The school could provide for them through the money they get from people of nobility. I mean, just look at all the fees these nobles are willing to pay to make their sons or daughters more comfortable in school."

That smile of hers literally took Adonis' breath away, "I see. Then any more suggestions?"

"Uniform!" Serenity suggested excitedly, "Can I design it? Please?"

Due to her excitement, Serenity didn't realize that she literally climbed over the table and grabbed Adonis' hand. Seeing that this is her perfect chance to start her clothing boutique and boost her career as a designer, Serenity really didn't want to let go of this oppurtunity.

Adonis looked in shock at that small and soft hands holding his large and calloused ones. For some reason just this slight interaction caused Adonis to have a tingling and warm sensation spread throughout his body.

Realization slowly dawned upon Serenity as she looked at her hands. It was shamelessly clinging onto Adonis'. Looking at it made her flush.

"Oh. I'm sorry for touching you without permission." Serenity calmly said, trying to cover up her embarrassed self as she tucked her hands underneath the table.

Having been deprived of that small and warm feeling, Adonis couldn't help but be disappointed. Ah but looking at the girl who made him feel that kind of way, fidgeting and ears red made him want to tease her.

"Oh? I didn't know that little Aryn likes to hold people's hands."

Hearing him teasing her and even calling her with her childhood nickname made Serenity want to find a hole to crawl into and hide. But being the prideful person she is, she composed herself and tried thinking of a response, not wanting to admit defeat.

"Really? But I can tell that Mr. Valentine really enjoyed it. I mean, a beauty such as myself holding hands with you is a privilege others couldn't get."

Looking at the girl who seemed to be a different person now, Adonis couldn't help but be surprised. Earlier she showed him her wits and intelligence, next her cute embarrassed side and now a confident woman who wouldn't back down. He is finding her more and more intriguing by the minute.

"Okay, you win this round Aryn."

Serenity grumbled, "Its Serenity. Only grandpa could call me that."

"Then how about kitten?"

"That's even worse! Just call me normally by my name."

Adonis chuckled, "Whatever you say, kitten."

Seeing her angry expression, Adonis really want to laugh. Kitten really suits Serenity as she reminded him of how a cat would act. She's elegant and poised like one but if you were to provoke her she wouldn't mind barring her claws at you. And her sharp golden eyes is really similar to those of a cat.

"About your suggestion earlier, I could do that but in one condition."

Serenity glared at him, but seeing that they are talking about the uniform, she let the nickname slip by, "What condition? Just to remind you, I wouldn't do things that goes against my morals."

Adonis laughed, "Oh kitten, you don't have to worry. I only need you to accompany me overseeing this project."

"Sure. But i'm planning on becoming the Royal Tutor. If things conflicts my schedule then i'm gonna decline the offer."

"Of course, anything for you kitten. I'll meet you in a few days." He said standing up and leaving. But not without a pat on Serenity's head.

It seems his days are gonna be interesting from now on.


Character Profile:
Adonis Valentine

Character Profile:Adonis Valentine

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