Chapter Seven: Villainess

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It was in the middle of a fine morning. A lot of people are already out and about in Aurora. The sun is shining brightly and the neighborhood is bustling with activity. But in a certain house, a certain girl is currently sleeping. Not aware a certain system is panicking and trying to wake up its host.

[Host, please wake up. The test is going to be held an hour from now. Wake up!]

But Serenity is still sleeping peacefully. Having crammed and studied until midnight, it was no wonder Serenity is this tired. She was reminded of her college days, all of the procrastinating and suffering. Serenity thought that she is finally free of that torture, never did she expected that she would experience it once again.

The system, seeing that its host doesn't plan on waking up soon, played the sound of an ear piercing whistle that only his host could hear. And as expected, his host immediately opened her eyes and covered her ears.

"Ugh. What is that noise? Please stop." Serenity pleaded while covering her head with a pillow.

The system only turned up the volume seeing its host didn't get up.

"Okay! I'm awake now!" Serenity shouted as she stood up.

Her black hair looking like a bird's nest and her beautiful golden eyes a bit red from waking up suddenly. She sighed in relief when the sound stopped.

[Very good, host. Now start preparing because we only have an hour left!]

Serenity nodded as she dashed to the bathroom to shower. A quick wash of her hair and body and after ten minutes she is already in her closet contemplating what to wear.

Serenity decided to wear her white jumpsuit paired with black wedge heels. After drying her hair, she put it in a half bun using the red spider lily hairpin her grandfather had gifted to her yesterday. She then tied a bright red handkerchief around her neck.

After dressing up, she then prepared her lunch. As her grandfather stated yesterday, the test will take longer than approximately six hours. The first three hours is this morning. Then they will get a lunch break, followed by another three hours.

Although it sucks on Serenity's part, she wouldn't dare complain.

Thirty minutes wasted just by making lunch and Serenity has only fifteen minutes to get to the castle. Slightly panicking, Serenity locked her house and inmediately hailed a carriage. All the while ignoring the weird looks she gets from the people outside.

"To the castle." She said to the coachman.

It didn't take too long for them to arrive, much to Serenity's dismay. And as she gets off from the carriage, she was greeted by a magnificent sight.

The castle really lived up to her expectations. Even the european castles from her previous life couldn't compare to this grandeur. It was bold and white and it stood there magnificently on a large land. Those high towers that seems to be ripped out from a storybook. The large walls with its perfect stones and squares that safeguard the royal family.

Castle Valhaven really did not disappoint.

Serenity snapped out of her reverie when she saw a number of people in front of the large double doors. People ranging from young to old.

Looks like she got a lot of competition, she thought. And after calming herself for a bit, Serenity walked to the line with her chin held up high.

The commotion among the people quited down when they saw Serenity walking towards them. Serenity really made quite an entrance because she was the last to arrive.

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