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Hey guys I wanted to apologize for not updating in while since I kinda have to do that regularly now that people are actually reading this story. But I'll actually be taking a break from the story since I'll be away from home and kind of busy for the next ten days or so. Actually, I'll have my phone and I might bring my computer so I will at least be able to write a little bit or at least do some planning but not much. I just wanted let guys know that. After I get back home I'll do my best to update a little bit more frequently (I write pretty much whenever so it shouldn't be a problem). So chapter 10 is in fact on it's way, just at a snail's pace so don't fret!

Now while I have your attention... I have a tumblr account where I post PTX/Superfruit/random junk to my heart's content. I also occasionally make art so my username is 'mitchgrassi-fangirling' and you better follow me!... Or at least just check my blog out.


Anyways, see you when chapter 10 is up! *kiss* *kiss*

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