Chapter four:First day of classes

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I listened to the song above while I was writing this chapter.I don't know why.Also  F/H/C means favorite Hogwarts class.I hope you like the chapter.

..................Your POV...................
Today's the first day of classes and I think I may faint.I woke up at 6:00 A.M out of excitement(A/N I actually wake up earlier than that.I'm a morning person.Anyone else a morning person.Ok back to the story) I put on my uniform.I wore a Gryffindor robe and tie.After I went to the Gryffindor common room and read a book.I learned the Red and gold door leads to the Gryffindor common room.The yellow and black door leads to the Hufflepuff common room etc.Theres a painting I have to tell a password.It's chocolate frogs.I think Dumbledore came up with it.I sit in the Gryffindor common room until Hermione comes down stairs.Then we go to breakfast together.I go to classes depending on what robe and tie I wear that day.I got all house class schedules.While I was eating Malfoy came and dragged me to the Slytherin table. "Hey!I don't want to go to the Slytherin table!Let go of me!" I yell.He sits me down on the Slytherin bench and holds onto me."STOP THAT AND LET GO OF ME!!!I WANT TO GO THE GRYFFINDOR TABLE!!I WANT TO GO AND SUT WITH HERMIONE!!NOT A BUNCH OF PUREBLOODED IDIOTS WHO ONLY CARE ABOUT BLOODSTATUS!!"I yell.Then a glass blows up and he lets go of me.I go back to the Gryffindor table. "Idiots." I say.I think Malfoy likes me.Me and Hermione go to class.Were the first ones there. "Hello Professor." I say to Mcgonagall whose in her cat form on her desk.

.................Harry's POV..................
"Hurry up Ron." I say. "Oi mate I'm in front of you." Says Ron. We keep running.Then we bust open the Transfiguration classroom doors. "Thank goodness Mcgonagalls not here.Can you imagine the look on her face if we were late?" Says Ron. Then a tabby on Professor Mcgonagall's desk jumps off and turns into Professor Mcgonagal. "That was bloody brilliant!" Exclaims Ron. "Thank you for the assesment Mr.Weasley.Perhaps I should transfigure you and Mr.Potter into a pocket watch.Then maybe one of you would be on time. " she says. "We got lost." I say. I see Y/N looking at us with pity. "It's not your fault the castles gigantic." She mouths to me. "Then perhaps a map.Oh and Mr.Potter what's so interesting about Ms.L/N?" Says Professor Mcgonagall.I hadn't realized it but I'm staring,but she's so nice and Beautiful.Do I have a crush on her?Yes. "Umm." I say.Y/N's blushing dark red the color of our ties by now. "I trust you don't need a map to find your seat." Says Professor Mcgonagall.

................Y/N's POV..................

Harry and Ron run in.Hermione looks up then back at our work.Witch is easy,but then again I've read all the books and out of excitement already read a good bit of all my books."Thank goodness Mcgonagalls not here yet.Can you imagine the look on her face if we were late?" Ron says.  Then Mcgonagall jumps off her desk and turns to her human form."That was bloody brilliant!" Exclaims Ron. "Thank you for the assessment Mr.Weasley.Perhaps I should transfigure Mr.Potter and yourself into pocket watches then maybe one of you would be on time." She says. "We got lost." Says Harry. I look at them with pity.Though their being embarrassed infront of the whole class. "It's not your fault the castles gigantic." I mouth to them.Harry was the only one who noticed.He just stares at me.Though I don't mind.He's super cute.Wait what?Do I like him?No.No.No.I don't have a crush on Harry. Right?No.But he's so cute.I do have a crush on him.A crush on someone I thought was a book character for 11 years.Mcgonagall has us turn straw into needlesOnly me and Hermione manage."Than perhaps a map.Me.Potter what's so interesting about Ms.L/N?" Mcgonagall says.I blush the color of my tie. "Umm." Harry says. "I trust you don't need one to find your seat."She says.Do I like Harry?Yes.No.Yes.I definitely do.Me and Hermione were the only ones who managed to turn hay  into a needle.I didn't think  I would.I only hope I can do Wingarium LeviOsa and get my broom stick in my hand on  my first try.

We're in potions class right now.Snape hasn't swung the doors open just yet.I'm sitting in between Harry and Hermione.I have a quill and parchment to take notes with.Hopefully Snape will be nice to me.Though while I was here during the summer he didn't even talk to me once.All of a sudden he makes his entrance and his speech.Then role call. Then he says "Ahh Harry Potter and Y/N L/N our new celebrities." Then he asked all of those questions.I answered them all correctly and wrote them down.Harry lost Gryffindor 3 points and I got 3.So still the same as when we walked in marvelous.Note that sarcasm.

The day went well my favorite class is F/H/C.After classes ended I changed into normal clothes.

After classes ended I changed into normal clothes

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(Minus the sun glasses)

The homework was pretty easy.I helped Harry with it.Over all the day was amazing.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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