Chapter five:Flying lessons and meeting Fluffy.

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..................Y/N's POV......................

Today we're going to have our first flying lessons.I'm excited.I've decided I'm going to help with getting Neville's rememberall back.For a few reasons.Reason number 1 I want to help because I think Neville would be upset if it was lost.Reason number 2 I want to anger Malfoy .Reason number 3 It's the right thing to do.When the mail comes I get nothing and so does Harry.As per usual.My step parents are in another demention.I think.Plus even if they aren't we lived in America.As for Harry I believe it's obvious why.The Dursley's don't care.

We're walking to flying lessons.We line up beside the brooms.Then Madam Hooch comes. ""Good afternoon class." She says.Good afternoon Madam Hooch ." Everyone says pretty much at the same time.Well pretty much. Then she starts walking again and says "Good afternoon Amanda." "What are you waiting for say up." She asks. "Up!" I say.It hits my hand soon. Harry's obviously comes up on his first try.Malfoy on his second try I believe.Ron's hit him in the noseMe and Harry started laughing. "Shut up Harry,Y/N." Ron says then laughs at himself. "But you laughed at it witch means you think it's funny so why can't we laugh?" I ask."Umm."He says. "When I blow my whistle hover for a second lean up then touch back down." Says Madam Hooch. Neville's broom went crazy.Eventually he fell off.In the end he had a broken wrist.(A/N I broke my wrist once it hurt terribly) "I'm taking him to the hospital wing.If I see a broom in the air you'll be expelled before you can say quiditch." She says.Malfoy grabs the ball.Just what I've been waiting for all day. "Give the ball back Malfoy " Me and Harry say at the same time. "I don't think so Potter,L/N.I think I'll hide it.How about on the roof.What to high for you?" Says Malfoy.Then he flies off.Me and Harry fly to. "You'll get expelled." Yelled Hermione. "Well I can't just sit down there and watch Malfoy be mean and cruel!" I yell.Harry snatches the rememberall.Malfoy flies at him so he throws it to me.I catch it.Malfoy flies at me so I throw it at Harry.Malfoy grabs it.Then he drops it.Harry flies down.He grabs it.Then we land. "Mr.Potter,Ms.L/N!" Says Professor Mcgonagall. Then she takes us to Professor Quirrell's classroom. "Can I have Mr.Wood please?" She asks. "Yes of course." Says Professor Quurrell.Well in his fake stutter.Apparently even though I'm in all 4 houses I don't get to pick what team I want to be on."Wood I've found you a new chaser and seeker." Says Mcgonagall.

"Chaser and Seeker.You must be the youngest players in a -" Ron says being cut off by Harry.Fir once no ones being cut off by me. "In a century.Or it least that's what Mcgonagall said." While we're walking we run Hermione starts walking beside us and Harry talks about how he's nervous then we run into Fred and George who just make him more scared.Then Hermione says "You won't make a fool of yourself it's in your blood." Then she takes us to the trophy case.

Were walking on the stairs and Ron says to Harry "It's weird she knows more about you then you do." Says Ron. "Who doesn't?" Asks Harry. "Muggles." I say.Then the stairs start to move. "What's going on?" Asks Ron. "The stair case moves ." I say.Then they stop."Let's go before the staircase moves again." Ron say.We walk up the stairs. "Does anyone else get the feeling were not supposed to be here?" Ron asks. "We're not its the third floor corridor it's forbidden." Says Hermione.We turn around and see Mr.Norris. "Run!" I say.We run to the door that leads to Fluffy."It's locked.Were going to die." Ron says. "Move!Alhomara." I say.Then we hide.We turn around after Filch leaves and then we see Fluffy.We run away.Me only because they are.Then we get back to the common room. "I'm going to bed before you get us killed or worse expelled." Says Hermione. I walk up to the portrait that leads to my room and say "Chocolate frogs." Then I get ready for bed.

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