Chapter eight:First quiditch match

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I hope you like the chapter.I know it's been forever and a day since I last updated.

....................Your POV....................
Today's the first quiditch match.Harry won't ear anything. "You have to eat something.Why purposely make yourself hungry.Trust  me being hungry is terrible." I say to Harry. Then Hedwig and O/N drop packages in front of me and Harry."A little early for mail." Says Ron. "I never get mail." Harry says. "Neither do I.Though then again it isn't mail from someone who isn't at Hogwarts.Besides its Nimbus 2000's." I say.Then we open them. "Y/N how do you know everything?" Ron asks. "Magic. Also I don't know everything . I say.

We're standing waiting to take off. "Nervous?" Oliver asks. "A little ,but I know I'm going to have fun." I say. "Yeah." Harry says. "Oliver don't tell him about your first quiditch match it will just make him more nervous." I say. He looks surprised. Then we go out. "Now I want a nice clean game.All of you." Madam Hooch says.Then we start playing.I get the qauffel and throw it through the hoop."Ten points to Gryffindor from Y/N L/N ." Lee Jordan yells.McKenna Malfoy (A/N from a story I read on quotev .Not my character also not a character in the actual original Harry Potter series as most people should know) a Slytherin chaser and Draco's older sister gets the qauffell and throws through the hoops giving Slytherin 10 points.. "10 points to Slytherin from McKenna Malfoy." Lee Jordan says.He also said something about her being pretty but I don't care.get the Qauffle again throwing it to fellow chaser Katie Belle who threw it in the hoops.We score a lot until Slytherin cheats.Marcus Flint the captain of the Slytherin team takes the bat from the Slytherin beater and hits a qauffell towards Oliver hitting him.The Slytherins getting in the lead.As I knew.Then Harry sees the Snitch and then both our brooms go crazy until Hermione sets Snape on fire.Then Harry went and caught the snitch in his mouth.Giving Gryffindor the win.When we see Hermione and Ron I say "Hermione thanks for catching Snape on fire even if it was Quirrel casting the Jinx." I say. "How did you know I caught Snape on fire and it was Snape." She says. "Think what you think,but your wrong." I say.

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