Chapter 13

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A/N:This will be the last chapter. I was thinking and would anyone like to be the co author of this. If so either PM me or say so in the comments.

.....................Your POV.....................

We just finished end of the week of the year exams.

"I always found Hogwarts end of year exams to be rather stressful,but they were actually quite enjoyable." Hermione says. "Speak for yourself." Ron says. "Someone sour because they couldn't cheat?" I ask. "How'd you know?" Ron asks. "Magic." I say.

Suddenly my scar starts hurting. So does Harry's.

Right on time.

"Scars hurting again?" She asks. "Yes. I would see Madam Pompfrey,but it isn't necessarily a valid reason to go to the hostpital wing." I say.

Then the conversation leading up to them well us going to talk to Hagrid. (A/N I for some reason based the whole story off the movie which won't play and I can't use the book now so let's just skip to when they run into Snape. )

We're running down the hall way to get Dumbledore. Even though he's not here.

We run into Snape. "What are you doing inside on such a nice day?" He asks. "We were just outside,but we got tired and decided to come inside." I say. "One would think you're up to something." He says.

After we get away from Snape we find Professor McGonagal. "We need to talk to Professor Dumbledore!" I say. Knowing he was gone. "I don't see what could be so important. Besides he's away at the ministry." "It's about the stone!" I say. It won't help obviously. "I don't know how you know about the stone,but I can assure you it's perfectly safe."

We walk away. " How about we go to get it tonight?" I ask. "Sure." They say.

I go to my dorm and decide to read the bbook. Maybe learn some spells.

I started reading

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I started reading.

Each guardians has some a few powers without their necklaces. They're powers are based off certain things. Yours are based off the stars and moon. Then you have a few inhereted powers from your mother. Your necklace is to control

After that I found spells for the ameulet.

I now know 15 spells.

After learning the spells I put this on

After learning the spells I put this on

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Sucked into a book.(Harry Potter x reader)Year oneWhere stories live. Discover now