Chapter nine

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I'm updating. This will probably be crap but, whatever. Sorry.I'd say I hope you enjoy the chapter but, it's crappy.FYI F/HP/B means favorite Harry Potter book

....................Your POV................
Harry,Hermione,and Ron are talking with Hagrid about how they think Snape is working for Voldemort.I can't wait to say told you so.

About that moment they walk in. "Hagrid agrees with me it's not Snape." I say. "How -" Ron say me cutting him off. "Do I know. Same way I know everything else I know magic." I say. "You know everything." Ron says. "No I don't know everything.That is impossible. Why did I wait in the common room for you? Oh yeah you were with the other two.Bye.I'm going to read a book." AKA Harry Potter and the F/HP/B.

Harry,Ron and I are in the great hall. Ron killing Harry in Wizarding chess.Hermione walks up and says "That's totally barbaric." "I see your packed." Ron says to her. "I see your not." She says. "Change of plans.My parents are going to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. So I'm staying here." Ron says. "Good you can help Harry and Y/N look for things in Nicklous Flamel." Hermione says. "He invented something. " I say. "What?" Ron asks."I'm not telling you. I'll have to explain my secrets to you because I can't lie. Technically magic gives me my knowledge so I'm not lying but. I just can't say ok. Find out on your own.Subject change. Hermione here is your present. Bye." I say. Then walk off.

As I'm walking off I hear Ron say "She's going mental." "I can hear you!" I yell. "Bloody H-" "Don't cuss. I don't like cussing and your to young to cuss." "How can you hear me?" Ron asks. "I don't know!" I yell. (A/N because I the amazing author decided to give you amazing hearing and stuff.)
'Who are you?' I ask the crazy voice in my head. In my head. Meaning I asked if I my head. If you didn't pick up on that.
Wait you can hear me?
'Yeah.' I say unsure of what to say,
I'm Mirium. Used to be Lilly. You will hear me no more. You don't need to be believed more mental.

I'm officially hearing voices in my head and it's not Parsletongue for sure right? Yeah I'm mental. I'm going to regret this but.

I march straight back to the great hall and yell "Ron! You were right! I'm going mental!" Yeah I just yelled that and I regret it. A lot of laughing.

It's Christmas. Maybe I'll get presents. (For once) I got a whole outfit .Tada!

(A/N I use this outfit in every story I've had on the Christmas chapter

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(A/N I use this outfit in every story I've had on the Christmas chapter. Why? I'm to lazy to find anything else. No. I figured out my mistake and it won't happen again. )

I wasn't a happy camper when Ron yelled at Harry. Or whatever. I was reading because I didn't know when people would be awake. I fell out of the bed. It hurt.I don't like pain. Studies show no one likes pain but, it's the bodies natural warning system. (A/N this is what happens when you get an author who makes straight A's in school and had nothing below a 98 on their report card and their mother made them go with them to the chiropractor. Ok I'll be quiet. This is mostly I have no idea what to write and I'm trying to get a lot of words in. Ok I'll stop now.Now. Now.Huh.)

I ended up stomping down the stairs. "Now your angry on Christmas." Ron says. "I fell out of my bed and it hurt. I also lost my place in my book.Now let's open presents.I finally finished your present.Here." I say.

Ron got a bottomless backpack with 500 enchanted candies and 500 books on quiditch. Reasoning it took so long. How did I get all the things? I found the room of requirements. I had to want it really bad and concentrate really hard. It took a while for that. Then I had to carry all the books to my dorm and out them in the backpack. I forgetting about magic out everything in individually.I am mental.

I got Harry nothingness. No siriusly I got him nothingness. By that I mean I got a potion that makes things disappear into nothingness. Why? Simple. I want him to poor it on Dudley's things. Dudley deserves it.

"How many stuff is in here?" Ron asks. "500 quiditch books. Then 500 pieces of candy." I say. "How?" Ron asks. "My secret." I say. "You have a lot of those." Ron says. "Really? I didn't know how many secrets I have. I don't have a lot. Just big ones. " I say.

"What is this?" Harry asks. "It isn't of any use now but, this summer you can pour it on Dudley's stuff and it'll disappear.I would have gotten you something better but, I kind of forgot about you. I feel like that is a bad thing, Especially since you probably got me something amazing like a magic necklace." I say laughing because I had a dream that's what I got from him.

Apparently that's my present from him. I think I'm a seer. The necklace looks like this

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I later learned something even Harry didn't even know about it. Something I couldn't tell anyone.

Eventually Harry opened the cloak. I threw my shoe at him when he started freaking out. "Y/N!" He yells."Well your not invisible and freaking out anymore.Though you need to get used to it. It'll help looking in the library tonight.

I'm done. It took me 4 hours to write this. I absolutely have writers block. I know it's crappy. I only had the reader yelling she's mental because I wanted the chapter to be long. It scrappy I get it. Sorry. I hit my head against the wall several times. Please give me ideas or this story is going on hold. Bye.

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