400 reads

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Thanks so much for 400 reads. I'm sorry I haven't updated a chapter in a while. To be honest I have writers block for this story. I am working on a chapter though. Yeah it's not very good. For two reasons. Reason number 1 I have writers block as I said earlier. Reason number 2 I wrote it with out my glasses on and because of that there was a lot of grammar mistakes.I apparently can't tell the difference between a lowercase g and lowercase q without my glasses on. Or a lowercase a and any o. Or a lowercase a and capital Q. The bad thing is I only have a negative 1 in prescription so I should be able to see. Thanks for 400 reads. I will try to update. Hopefully not mixing up any letters. If I do tell me. I am hitting my head against the wall while writing the next chapter.Yeah,that's definitely helping. Note that sarcasm.Thanks for 400 reads. Please enjoy the hilarious video above Bye.

Sucked into a book.(Harry Potter x reader)Year oneWhere stories live. Discover now