Chapter seven.Troll!In the dungeon!Just thought you should know.

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I hope you like the chapter.Anyone remember that's what Quirrell said when he ran in.

.....................Your POV ....................
Today we're learning Wingarium LeviOsa. I have Malfoy as a partner.He still acts like he likes me even after flying class.He's doing it wrong. "Your doing it wrong.You have to Swish and flick.Also when you say it don't move your hand faster than your saying it." I say. Hermione corrected Ron.Soon me and Hermione have our feathers levitating. "Ms.Granger and Ms.L/N have done it.Ten points to Gryffindor and Ms.L/N witch house would you like your points to go to?" Says Professor Flitwick. "Gryffindor." I say.Todays troll day and Ron is going to insult Hermione. "Did you hear her.It's LeviOsa not LevioAr .No wonder she doesn't have any friends." Ron say. Hermione pushes past us. "I think she heard you." Harry says."RONALD BILLIUS WEASLEY!THAT WAS MEAN AND CRUEL!AS A MATTER OF A FACT DHE DIES HAVE A FRIEND ME.ALSO SHE WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU!!I'M PRETTY SURE SHE THOUGHT OF YOU AS A FRIDND!!" I yell. "How did you know my middle name and your just like her." Ron says. "Your right I an.I'm smart,nice,brave,and a wonderful person unlike some one.Also what did she ever do to you besides the train witch wasn't mean just rude." I say. "How do you know this stuff?" Asks Ron. "Magic." I say then stomp off to the bathroom Hermione is in. "Ron's just a Git.Don't listen to him.He's probably just jealous you managed to do the spell.Heck on your first try." I say.It went on like that until the troll came in. I pulled out my wand. Then Harry and Ron came in.

.................Harry's POV ......................
There's a troll in the castle and Y/N and Hermione don't know.Actually Y/N may know.She knows everything it's weird.Me and Ron run into the girls bathroom.Y/N had her wand out and was about to shoot a spell but we distracted her."Ron,Harry I knew you were going to come but couldn't you of had better timing.I was trying to get Hermione out of here so that the troll wouldn't come in here." She says.She knew. Hermione is hiding under the sinks and it hits it's club over the sinks just missing Hermione.Ron throws boards at it from the stalls.The troll picks me up and my wand somehow ends up in its nose.Y/N casts Wingarium LeviOsa and hits the troll on the head with its club and it gets knocked out. "Ron this is all your fault for insulting Hermione!" Y/N yells at Ron.Then professors walk in. "What's going on here?" Asks Mcgonagall. "I read about trolls and thought I could fight it and Y/N told me not to.I didn't listen and she couldn't find a professor so she got Ron and Harry to follow me to stop me.Though I found the troll.If it weren't for them I'd be dead." She says.

..................Y/N's POV .....................
Hermione changed what she said in the books and movies because I'm here. I wonder if everyone will survive going to get the stone.Everything else happened the way it should.I wonder.

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