Chapter 8

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Hey sorry for not posting in awhile hope you like the new chapter though
Dipper pov
I never thought I could act this way or even say things like that I guess being with Bill is kinda changing me but I kinda like the change.  Any way as I'm kissing Bill I feel Bill loosing himself and so am I. Gosh when did I become so sexual and when did Bill become so goddamn hot. In the morning I was laying next to the I maybe sorta kinda love even though we've only been together for a few weeks. I turn towards Bill and smile then I look around to see if Mabel was still asleep. But I don't see her I started to freak out a bit then Bill kiss my neck and say's "Don't worry she got up but I erased her memory of her seeing me so don't worry so much." Then he gets on top on me and kisses me on the nose and smiles at me. I smile back and think to myself gosh I'm helplessly in love with him. Like how Eliza was helplessly in love with Alexander. (Did any of you get the Hamilton reference)
Bill pov
I get up and see pinetree panicking like a worried puppy and it's so adorable. But I had to tell that I erased Mable's memory of her seeing. I also couldn't help but kiss him on the nose I'm so in love with this kid that I don't even know what to do with myself. "Hey what do you want to do after you've taken a shower and eaten." "Well we could watch a movie or go hunt some demons." I laugh a bit " I think demon hunting would be fun." We both laugh a bit more and I kiss him on the cheek grab  my clothes and disappeared. I hate living him alone I feel like a demon from my dimension will try and hurt him. I don't want that to happen I need to protect him with all I've got. I just hope pinetree will be alright I might need to give him the necklace. But I don't know if I should that also could be dangerous gosh why did I have to fall for a human. But I guess he is bringing out a side of me I didn't know I had. Being a human is letting out all these emotions it feels weird, oh well life's hard I guess.
Hey guys like I said before sorry for not posting in awhile things have been crazy. Oh I also want let you know that I'm working on another story between marco and tom.
Love you guys bye.

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